
  1. 海南话歌,很好的开始,2008年一定再下流行!

    A very good & bright beginning of Hainanese songs for2008 !

  2. 海南话歌要继续的唱下去!我会介绍更多的马来西亚朋友来听!

    Keep on singing ! I will get more Malaysian Hainanese to listen !

  3. 浅析海南话文昌音系中含嘴字词语的词义及文化内涵

    A Brief Analysis on Meanings and Cultural Connotations of the Words with " Mouth " in Wenchang Branch of Hainan Dialect

  4. 为了让她更好的了解歌词的意义,奶奶送她去学海南话,但身为北京人的母亲却不赞成这个做法。

    In order to make her a better understanding of the meaning of lyrics , to take her grandmother to learn Hainanese , but as the mother was not in favor of Beijing in this practice .

  5. 海南文昌话的亲属称谓系统有异于汉语其他方言的特点。

    The kinship system in Wenchang Chinese is very different from other Chinese dialects .

  6. 不仅迈克,汤姆也去过海南.这句话该怎么说?

    Not only Mike , but Tom ever been to Hainan also .