
  • 网络the gulf crisis;Crisis in the Gulf
  1. 海湾危机让这些问题备受关注。

    These issues were brought into sharp focus by the Gulf crisis .

  2. 海湾危机和战争对非洲的影响

    Impact of the Gulf crisis and war on Africa

  3. 海湾危机迅速加剧。

    A crisis was rapidly developing in the Gulf .

  4. 对海湾危机与世界经济发展趋势的估计

    Estimation on Gulf crisis and its effects on world economic development

  5. 援助受海湾危机影响最严重国家特别方案

    Special Programme for the Countries Most Affected by the Gulf Crisis

  6. 海湾危机以来世界经济几个问题

    Some issues in world economy since the inception of the Gulf Crisis

  7. 如果预料的海湾危机真的成为现实的话,那就要开始有麻烦了。

    The problems will really begin if the anticipated Gulf crisis materializes .

  8. 海湾危机对南亚国家经济的影响

    Gulf crisis ' impact on South Asian economy

  9. 98海湾危机回顾及几点启示

    The Review and Enlightenment of 98 Gulf Crisis

  10. 海湾危机形成的原因及其影响

    The Gulf crisis : causes and impact

  11. 海湾危机引起世界各国的瞩目。

    The Gulf crisis attracted worldwide attention .

  12. 苏联与海湾危机

    The Soviet Union and the Gulf Crisis

  13. 关于海湾危机的声明

    Declaration on the Crisis in the Gulf

  14. 海湾危机与世界格局

    The Gulf crisis and the world setup

  15. 一种简便实用的冲突分析方法&兼论当前海湾危机中美伊冲突的可能结局

    A Simple and Practical Method of Conflict Analysis-Also Discuss about the Possible Results of Present Gulf Crisis

  16. 第二部分主要分析中国的中东政策和中国对阿以冲突,海湾危机及战争,伊拉克战争这三个对中东影响很大的事件所采取的政策及产生的影响。

    In the second part mainly analyses Chinese Middle East policy and Chinese policy toward the Arab-Israel conflict , Gulf crisis and war , Iraq war the three big affairs that influence Middle East greatly .

  17. 伊拉克自1968年复兴党上台后的35年中,伊美关系经历了从复兴党执政前期的“政冷经热”,到两伊战争爆发后的全面缓和,再到海湾危机后激烈对抗的重大变化。

    After the Baath Party was in power in 1968 , the 35 years witnessed the great changes on the ( Iraq-U.S. ) relationship : the political depression and the economic development in the early stage ; the overall relaxation after the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War ;