
  • 网络Haiphong;Hai Phong
  1. 越南海防市是东南亚第三大城市。

    Haiphong is the third largest city in the Southeast Asian country .

  2. 世卫组织了解最近住院的北部港口城市海防市一个家庭的五名成员中疑似H5禽流感感染的报道。

    WHO is aware of reports of suspected H5 avian influenza infection in five members of a family who are presently hospitalized in the northern port city of Haiphong .

  3. 凯巴日出度假村,位于越南海防市,地处僻静的岛屿,山脉和沙滩环绕,水蓝色的凯巴岛。

    Cat Ba SUNRISE Resort , a secluded island paradise surrounded by Black Mountain , pure white sand , aqua-blue water located at the Cat Ba Island , Hai Phong City , Vietnam .

  4. 世界银行向越南提供了3500万美元赠款,用于支持18个省份以及胡志明和海防两市实施艾滋病项目。

    The World Bank has given Vietnam a US $ 35 million grant to support its HIV / AIDS program in18 provinces and two cities , Ho Chi Minh City and Hai Phong .