
  • 网络republic of vietnam;South Vietnam;ARVN
  1. 越南社会主义共和国

    The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

  2. 越南社会主义共和国(以下简称越南)在中小学(义务教育阶段)教育管理方面,与我国有着许多相似之处,同时也存在一些差异。

    Socialist republic of Vietnam ( be called Vietnam below ) is similar to our country in Primary and Secondary school 's education , at the same time there are some difference .

  3. 云南省金平地区位于云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州南部,北端以红河为界与红河州个旧市、河口县相邻,东端和南端与越南社会主义共和国相连。

    Jinping area is located in the south of Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture , Yunnan Province , the northern adjacent to the Hekou county and Gejiu city by the Red River , the southern and the eastern connected with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam .

  4. 自1999年起,摩洛哥,越南和多米尼加共和国以使儿童的死亡率减少了三分之一强。

    Morocco , Vietnam and the Dominican Republic have reduced child deaths by more than one-third since nineteen ninety-nine .

  5. 东盟成功的在政治上和经济上孤立了越南与柬埔寨人民共和国。

    Successfully , ASEAN has isolated Vietnam and PRK politically and economically .