
  • 网络Coast Guard;Shore Patrol;BEACH PATROL
  1. 总而言之,我们碰上了一连串不同的警察力量,包括美国海岸巡逻队、西雅图警察、巴莱恩警察、州巡逻队、土著印第安人保护区警察以及来自各个基地的陆军和空军警力。

    All in all , the list of different police forces that hit us included the Naval Shore Patrol , the Seattle police , the Blaine police , the state patrol , the Native Indian reserve police as well as military and air force police from various bases .

  2. 渡轮上的乘客,听到了他痛苦的叫喊,报告了船长,船长报告了海岸巡逻队,巡逻队把他从东河打捞了起来,并安置到了贝尔维医院。

    where passengers on the ferry heard his cries of pain , contacted the boat 's captain who contacted the Coast Guard who fished him out of the East River and took him to Bellevue Hospital .

  3. 今天早上,对两名失踪的NFL(全国橄榄球联盟)队员的寻找仍在继续,美国海岸巡逻队队员正在搜查墨西哥湾,试图寻找奥克兰袭击队中后卫MarquisCooper和职业队员CoreySmith。

    From the CNN Center in Atlanta , I 'm Nicole Lapin . Here 's your NOW IN THE NEWS update . The search for two missing NFL players and one other man continues this morning . US Coast Guard are now searching the Gulf of Mexico for Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper and free-agent Corey Smith .

  4. 海岸巡逻队随时都可能到这儿来。

    The coast guard is gonna get here any second .

  5. 有一件事海岸巡逻队队员说对了。

    I 'll tell you one thing that coast guard guy was right .

  6. 我马上需要海岸巡逻队队员援助。

    I need immediate coast guard assistance .

  7. 海岸巡逻队来了。

    Here come the coast guard .

  8. 为了愚弄海岸巡逻队。

    To fool the coast guard .

  9. 轮船正在下沉,船长向海岸巡逻队发出闪光信号求救。

    The captain of the sinking ship used flares to attract the attention of the coastguard .

  10. 快打给海岸巡逻队!

    Somebody call the harbor patrol !

  11. 起初,他们祈祷早日到岸,别被海岸巡逻队逮到。

    In the beginning , they prayed to reach land before the coast guard intercepted them .

  12. 但是在海军预备队和海岸巡逻队中,一些女人承担了行政工作,相当于女性仆人,所以称作女仆。

    But some had administrative jobs as female yeomen , so-called yeomanettes , in the Naval Reserve and coast guard .

  13. 海军与海岸巡逻队密切合作,战时尤其如此。说不定连军官执行巡逻任务都是装装样子。

    The Navy and the Cost Guard work hand and glove , especially in war time . Probably even the line officers were faking their patrols .

  14. 在保证23名亚洲货船的船员安全后,海岸巡逻队队员忙于抢救船内装载的船只和5000辆汽车。

    With 23 crew members of an Asian cargo ship now safe , the Coast Guard is working to salvage the boat and five thousand cars it 's carrying .