
hǎi wān ɡuó jiā
  • Gulf states
  1. 虽然对安全敏感的海湾国家将是首批采取此类行动的国家,但在这些声明作出之前,印度在近几周内也曾对RIM的网络表示担忧网络的类似担忧。

    The security-conscious Gulf states will be the first countries to take such actions but the announcements come after India raised similar concerns about Research in Motion 's network in recent weeks .

  2. 论海湾国家政治制度类型的划分

    On the classification of types of political system in Gulf States

  3. 地区B:中国,澳大利亚(悉尼),新加坡,马来西亚,香港,韩国,泰国,文莱,海湾国家。

    Zone B : China , Australia ( Sydney ), Singapore , Malaysia , Hong Kong , South Korea , Thailand , Brunei , Gulf Countries .

  4. 海湾国家今年预计将参与更多并购交易,因为持续高企的油价提升了海湾合作委员会(gulfcooperationcouncil)地区6国的购买力。

    Further deals are expected this year as continued high oil prices boost the spending power of the six states in the Gulf Cooperation Council region .

  5. IMF海湾国家今年盈余将缩水国际货币基金组织(IMF)表示,由于国内投资加大且石油价格回落,预计今年海湾地区石油出口国的经常账户盈余将下降。

    Gulf oil exporters " current account surpluses are expected to fall this year on rising domestic investment and softer oil prices , said the International Monetary Fund said .

  6. 俄罗斯、马来西亚和海湾国家的假设降幅甚至更大,Ratha说。

    The decline is assumed to be even larger in Russia , Malaysia , and the Gulf countries , says Ratha .

  7. 她告诉我是始于2000年的网络经济繁荣期,当时她在剑桥科学公园(CambridgeSciencePark)成立了Q.ton高科技会议中心,这引起了阿布扎比官员(也包括海湾国家的有些王室)的注意。

    It began , she tells me , during the dotcom boom in 2000 when she started Q.Ton , a high-tech conference centre , at the Cambridge Science Park , which attracted the attention of Abu Dhabi officials , including some of the royals .

  8. 我希望改组后的英国贸易投资署(UKTI)能够专注于在全球范围宣传金融服务,尤其是聚焦中国、印度、东欧和海湾国家等关键市场。

    I want the revamped UK trade and investment to focus on the global promotion of financial services , with special attention to key markets including China , India , eastern Europe and the Gulf .

  9. 戴姆勒表示,将把公司股本增加10%,aabar将以每股20.27欧元的价格购入全部增发股票,使这家政府部分拥有的海湾国家公司成为戴姆勒最大股东。

    Daimler said it would increase its share capital by 10 per cent and Aabar would pay 20.27 per share for the entire offering , which will make the part-state owned Gulf company its largest shareholder .

  10. 卡塔尔多哈——大约10年前,安德烈亚斯·布莱谢尔(AndreasBleicher)来到了小小的海湾国家卡塔尔。布莱谢尔当时是德国一家奥林匹克训练中心的总监,而卡塔尔王室想要获得他的帮助,让希望渺茫的卡塔尔足球在世界上赢得一席之地。

    DOHA , Qatar - A little more than a decade ago , Andreas Bleicher , then a director of one of Germany 's Olympic training centers , arrived in the tiny gulf nation of Qatar , wooed there by its royal family to help turn the hopeless national soccer program into something worthy of the world 's respect .

  11. 对海湾国家的利益顾及程度不同;

    Different caring degree for the interests of the Gulf countries ;

  12. 海湾国家是否这次更好地处理了他们的意外收获?

    Are the Gulf countries handling their windfall any better this time ?

  13. 海湾国家光纤海底电缆

    Hybrid fiber coax fibre optic submarine cable for Gulf States

  14. 中东和海湾国家也受到了影响。

    The Middle East and Gulf States have also suffered .

  15. 这场冲突背后的终极黑手就是海湾国家和伊朗。

    The Gulf countries and Iran are its ultimate sponsors .

  16. 海湾国家这些资金都投哪儿去了呢?

    Where do the Gulf states invest their immense wealth ?

  17. 海湾国家安全问题探析

    A probe into the Gulf States ' security issues

  18. 比如说海湾国家?

    What about the Gulf states , for example ?

  19. 海湾国家报章:切尼中东之行失败

    Gulf States newspaper : Cheney 's tour of the Middle East a failure

  20. 许多海湾国家也成为了重要的援助国。

    Many Gulf States have also become substantial donors .

  21. 这个周末阿富汗总统默罕默德·卡尔扎伊将访问海湾国家卡塔尔。

    Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai is visiting the gulf of Qatar this weekend .

  22. 海湾国家现在该放弃他们的紧盯美元的政策了。

    The Gulf states need to get rid of their dollar peg now .

  23. 阿拉伯海湾国家经济一体化及面临的挑战

    Economic Integration of Arabic Countries in the Bay and the Challenge It Faces

  24. 海湾国家的石油跨国经营

    Transnational management of oil in the Gulf countries

  25. 在获得批准前,疫苗已在这个海湾国家进行了六周的人体试验。

    The approval comes after six weeks of human trials in the Gulf state .

  26. 该协议标志着以色列和海湾国家首次建立外交关系。

    The deal marks the first diplomatic ties between Israel and a Gulf country .

  27. 许多海湾国家也想要有他们自己通用的货币。

    A number of Gulf states also want a common currency of their own .

  28. 目前,海湾国家仍无法摆脱货币紧盯政策。

    For the moment , the Gulf states are stuck with a currency peg .

  29. 土耳其也在迅速发展与沙特阿拉伯以及海湾国家的贸易和经济联系。

    Trade and economic ties with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states are growing rapidly .

  30. 欧盟与海湾国家的合作

    EU 's Partnership with Gulf Nations