
  1. 但李肇星坚称,官方数字包括其它所有支出。

    But Mr Li said the official number included all other spending .

  2. 诗人外交家李肇星

    Li Zhaoxing : both a diplomat and a poet

  3. 中国的外交部长李肇星曾经在罗卡角赋诗一首。

    Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing once composed a poem at Cabo da Roca .

  4. 李肇星说,本次会议的主要目的是传递积极的态度。

    Li said the main goal of the congress is to convey a positive attitude .

  5. 关于解禁的问题,李肇星外长重申了中方的一贯立场和看法。

    With respect to the arms embargo , Foreign Minster Li reiterated China 's consistent position .

  6. 李肇星在开场白中说,过去的一年,对世界来讲,是不平静的一年;对中国来讲,是不平凡的一年。

    Li said in his opening remarks that the past year has been eventful for the world and remarkable for China .

  7. 莱斯还说,她与李肇星还谈到为恢复朝鲜核问题六方谈判留出通道的重要性。

    She also said they spoke about the importance of leaving a path open to resuming six-party talks on North Korea 's nuclear program .

  8. 中国前外交部长李肇星上月访问华盛顿时表示,中美都将受益于两国国防关系的改善。

    Visiting Washington last month , Li Zhaoxing , the former Chinese foreign minister , said both countries would benefit from improved defence relations .

  9. 中国外交部长,我的同事李肇星,是非洲事物专家,他已经访问非洲大多数国家,能讲斯瓦里希语。

    Your own foreign minister , my colleague Li is of course an expert on africa , having visited most of its countries-and speaking swahili .

  10. 我国外交部长李肇星表示,中国会尽一切的努力促成六国会谈的举行。以成功解决朝鲜核问题。

    Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing says China will try its utmost to push the six-country talks aimed at resolvingnorth korea 's nuclear issue to a success .

  11. 李肇星说,在外交方面中国始终坚持和平共处、平等互利和共同发展的原则。

    In diplomacy , China is committed to promoting peaceful coexistence , equal treatment to each other , mutually beneficial cooperation , and common development , Li said .

  12. 联合国改革,李肇星强调,应该满足,尽可能,其成员国,特别是来自发展中世界的需要。

    The UN reform , Li stressed , should satisfy , as far as possible , the needs of its member states , particularly those from the developing world .

  13. 同时,中国特使唐家璇星期五表示,他本星期早些时候对朝鲜的访问「并非一无所获」.李肇星称唐家璇此行增进了彼此了解。

    Meanwhile , Chinese envoy Tang Jiaxuan said Friday that his visit to North Korea earlier this week was " not in vain ," while Li said it increased mutual understanding .

  14. 中国人大发言人李肇星说中国始终控制军事支出并使其与经济发展的步伐相一致。

    The NPC 's spokesman , Li Zhaoxing , said that China had always paid attention to controlling its defence spending and keeping it in line with the pace of economic development .

  15. 李肇星还说,巴基斯坦和印度领导人在会议期间实现了双边会晤,重申将进一步采取措施缓和关系。

    He added that the bilateral talks between Pakistani and Indian leaders during the summit , which reiterated that the two countries would take further measures to achieve detente in their relations .

  16. 赖斯和李肇星会谈结束后表示,国际社会需要确保北韩没有对危险的非法物资进行“中转和贸易”。

    Following talks with Li in Beijing , Rice said the international community needs to make sure there is not a " transit and trade " in dangerous illegal materials from North Korea .