
  • Lee An;Ang Lee;Lee Ang
  1. 《少年派的奇幻漂流》(TheLifeofPi)的导演李安获得最佳导演奖。

    Ang Lee woin the best director prize for The Life of Pi .

  2. 今年的金马奖颁奖典礼将于11月23日在台北举行,奥斯卡获奖导演李安(AngLee)是评审之一。

    This year 's ceremony will be held in Taipei on Nov. 23 , with Oscar-winning director Ang Lee heading the jury .

  3. 李安的新进科幻电影《GeminiKiller》,联合制作人为WillSmith,将于2019年十月登陆北美院线。

    His new sci-fi film Gemini Killer , co-produced with Will Smith , is in production and will be released in North America in October 2019 .

  4. 厦门李安线220kV充油电缆载流量计算

    Calculation of Current Carrying Capacity of Lian 220 kV Oil-filled Cable

  5. 而在中国无法登录的Facebook上,情况则更猥琐一些,许多网友将这一海报和李安的电影《断背山》(BrokebackMountain)相比较。

    On Facebook -- which is banned here -- things were were a bit raunchier , with many suggestive references to Ang Lee 's movie ' Brokeback Mountain . '

  6. 2000年的电影《卧虎藏龙》将文艺片的风格和功夫动作画面融为一体,由李安(AngLee)执导,赢得了四项奥斯卡奖(AcademyAwards):最佳外语片奖、最佳摄影奖、最佳艺术指导奖和最佳原创音乐奖。

    The original 2000 movie , which blended art-house sensibilities with kung-fu action scenes , was directed by Ang Lee and won four Academy Awards : best foreign-language film , art direction , original score and cinematography .

  7. 此外,由斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)担任主席的本届戛纳电影节评委会包括三位来自亚洲的知名成员,他们是曾获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的李安、印度女演员薇迪雅•巴兰(VidyaBalan)和日本导演河濑直美(NaomiKawase)。

    In addition , this year 's jury , which is headed by Steven Spielberg , includes three high-profile members from Asia : Oscar-winning director Ang Lee , Indian actress Vidya Balan and Japanese director Naomi Kawase .

  8. 台湾出生的导演李安凭借《少年派的奇幻漂流》斩获奥斯卡最佳导演奖周日(当地时间),这部史诗电影改编自加拿大小说YannMartel的一个男孩和一只活虎在救生艇上的故事。

    Taiwan-born director Ang Lee collected the Oscar for best director Sunday ( local time ) for Life of Pi , the epic film adaptation of Canadian novelist Yann Martel 's tale of a boy in a lifeboat with a live tiger .

  9. 美国导演工会公开了年度终身成就奖名单,李安、福克斯探照灯联合主席NancyUtley、美国演员工会和广播电视人员联合工会高级顾问JohnMcGuire、议员Emick.AmyKlobuchar和AnnRoth,Anros均位列名单。

    The American Directors Union announced the annual Lifetime Achievement Award list , which includes Ang Lee , Nancy Utley , co-chairman of Fox Searchlight , John McGuire , senior adviser to the American Actors Union and the Federation of Radio and Television ActorsUnions ( SAG-AFTRA ) , and Senator Emick . AmyKlobuchar and AnnRoth , Anros .

  10. 最佳导演:李安《少年派的奇幻漂流》

    Best director : Ang Lee , " Life of Pi "

  11. 论李安电影的中西文化认同

    On the Culture Identity between Chinese and Western in Ang 's Movies

  12. 在对于特写镜头的警觉上,李安有一种非凡的天份。

    Lee has an extraordinary talent for qui vive watchfulness in close-ups .

  13. 我认为李安是一个非常有天赋的导演。

    I think Ang Lee is a very talented director .

  14. 李安电影中的东方主义

    Orientalism of Director Lee Ang in His Film EAST WEST

  15. 即使如此,李安也没有放松。

    Even then Ang Lee did not loosen the reins .

  16. 在上大学时,李安迷上了艺术。

    During college , Lee became particularly interested in art .

  17. 从跨文化角度分析李安电影家庭三部曲

    Intercultural Approach to Ang Lee 's Films the Family Trilogy

  18. 这是李安深受中国传统文化影响和自身感受所决定的,也导致他对家庭内的文化现象关注和思考。

    The reason is Chinese traditional culture affection and living respects he has .

  19. 因为首先,我拒绝了李安的影片。

    Because first of all , I turned down Ang Lee 's film .

  20. 当时我唯一的目标就是演好这个角色,不能让李安导演失望。

    ZZ : My only goal was , don 't let him down .

  21. 李安是有名的台湾导演。

    Ang Lee is a famous Taiwanese director .

  22. 李安以妥协的方式解决电影中的文化冲突,从而达到文化认同。

    With compromise , he solutes the cultural conflict and reaches the culture identity .

  23. 李安说:我有点累了,拿着小金人拍了几个小时的照片。

    Lee said : Im a little tired .

  24. 李安电影中的恋父情结

    The Electra Complex of Li An 's Movies Loves the pork Father and Son

  25. 人性的压抑与释放:李安电影的精神轴心

    Depression and Release of Humanity : the Spiritual Axis of Ang Lee 's Movies

  26. 李安:你知道到这是一本400页的文件,对吧?

    LeeAnn : You do realize that this is a 400-page document , right ?

  27. 那部片子是由李安导演的。

    That movie is directed by Ang lee .

  28. 李安对表演的要求非常严格。

    Ang Lee made very strict performance demands .

  29. 有了这笔钱的资助,李安终于可以一圆好莱坞的梦想。

    With the green to fund them , Lee 's Hollywood dreams were finally possible .

  30. 李安理解我的决定。

    So Ang Lee understood my decision .