
  • 网络a brighter summer day
  1. 《牯岭街少年杀人事件》并不是严格的自传,却也取材于他自身的经历;

    While not strictly autobiographical , " A Brighter Summer Day " drew on his own experiences ;

  2. 20世纪90年代初,我在一次台湾电影巡展中看到了《牯岭街少年杀人事件》,最打动我的是杨德昌把欧洲艺术电影的超然与好莱坞青年电影的华丽融为一体;

    Seeing " A Brighter Summer Day " in the early 1990s as part of a touring package of Taiwanese films , I was impressed by Mr. Yang 's synthesis of detached European art cinema and florid Hollywood youth films ;

  3. 杨德昌长达四小时的巨作《牯岭街少年杀人事件》描绘了台北青少年的生活,它在台湾电影世界中像一座恒久耸立的高峰,正如中学时代的记忆会给一个人以后的人生投下长久的阴影。

    As the memory of high school may cast a lingering shadow on later lives , so " A Brighter Summer Day , " Edward Yang 's magisterial four-hour drama of Taipei teenagers , looms over the landscape of Taiwanese cinema .

  4. 与出身武术世家、6岁习武的吴京不同,张震自15岁首登大银幕,出演影片《牯岭街少年杀人事件》以来,一直是低调的实力派演员代表。

    Unlike Wu Jing , who was born into a martial arts family and began practicing the discipline at age 6 , Chang has always been viewed as a skillful , sensitive and low-key actor since his debut in A Brighter Summer Day ( 1991 ) at age 15 .