
  • Brokeback Mountain;A Love That Will Never Grow Old;BBM
  1. 李安,台湾著名导演,2006年凭断背山赢得奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演。

    Ang Lee , the famous Taiwanese director , won the " best director " in2006 Oscar Award by his work " Brokeback Mountain " .

  2. 断背山放牧之后的第四年夏天,六月份,埃尼斯收到了杰克·斯特的信,是一封存局候领邮件。

    The fourth summer since Brokeback Mountain came on and in June Ennis had a general delivery letter from Jack Twist , the first sign of life in all that time .

  3. 最适合约会的角色:2005年”断背山“中的Alma

    Definitive role to date : Alma in " Brokeback Mountain " ( 2005 )

  4. Angus都可以去演断背山了

    Angus looks like he 's in Brokeback Mountain .

  5. 在2006年因同性恋牛仔的电影《断背山》,他成为第一个获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的亚洲人,七年后他带着3D奇幻电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》再次获得该奖。

    He was the first Asian ever to win an Oscar for directing , in 2006 for the gay cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain . Seven years later he has done it again with 3D fantasy Life of Pi .

  6. 而在中国无法登录的Facebook上,情况则更猥琐一些,许多网友将这一海报和李安的电影《断背山》(BrokebackMountain)相比较。

    On Facebook -- which is banned here -- things were were a bit raunchier , with many suggestive references to Ang Lee 's movie ' Brokeback Mountain . '

  7. 我以为断背山可能是他的故乡附近。

    I thought Brokeback Mountain might be around where he grew up .

  8. 在断背山上我们过得很好,不是吗?

    Old Brokeback got us good , don 't it ?

  9. 所以现在有的就是断背山!

    So what we got now is Brokeback mountain !

  10. 在拍《断背山》时,我觉得每天你们都和我在一起。

    On " Brokeback Mountain ," I felt you with me every day .

  11. 他曾说过希望把骨灰撒在断背山。

    He use to say he wanted his ashes scattered on Brokeback mountain .

  12. 你们可否让我把他的骨灰带到断背山。

    If you want me to take his ashes up there on brokeback .

  13. 最后是走出《断背山》又做《波斯王子》的杰克·吉伦希尔,为了给获得最佳女演员的姐姐玛姬捧场助威而出现在红毯上,经典定制巴宝莉西服在他身上真是锦上添花!

    And Jake Gyllenhaal supported his Best-Actress-nominated sister Maggie in a custom-tailored Burberry tuxedo .

  14. 一线男演员,主演《断背山》、《铁拳》、《死亡幻觉》等电影而知名。

    A-List actor known for films such as Brokeback Mountain , Southpaw and Donnie Darko .

  15. 去年,《断背山》中的“断背”一词当选好莱坞的头号热门词汇。

    Last Year " Brokeback " from " Brokeback Mountain " topped the annual survey .

  16. 夏日的山脉横亘在断背山林业局外面的林木线上,这是杰克在山上第二次过夏天,埃尼斯则是第一次。

    It would be Jack Twist 's second summer on the mountain , Ennis 's first .

  17. 她还曾经和《断背山》的男主角、现年30岁的杰克吉伦希尔交往,但两人于2009年分手。

    She also dated Brokeback Mountain star Jake Gyllenhaal , 30 , however they split in2009 .

  18. 夏日的牧场在断背山上,位于森林管理部门划定的树木保护线以上。

    The summer range lay above the tree line on Forest Service land on Brokeback Mountain .

  19. 断背山的风景明信片。

    Scene a Brokeback Mountain .

  20. 但你不肯,埃尼斯,所以我们有的只是一座断背山,全部的寄托都在断背山。

    You wouldn 't do it , Ennis , so what we got now is Brokeback Mountain .

  21. 艺术电影和社会题材统治了2006年的学院奖(奥斯卡)提名,其中的领头影片便是牛仔片《断背山》。

    Art house movies with serious social themes dominated the2006 Academy Awards nominations , led by the cowboy drama Brokeback Mountain .

  22. 这种推出仅一个来月的服务旨在给听众提供与断背山或者由其激发的相关歌曲。

    The service , just over a month old , has provided listeners with songs from and inspired by Brokeback Mountain .

  23. 我无法评判《断背山》,因为我没看过这部电影,以后也不打算看。

    I can 't comment on Brokeback Mountain since I have not seen the film and do not intend to see it .

  24. 女性心目中的“白马王子”应该是蓝眼睛、深棕色短发、中等身材——看来影星杰克•吉伦黑尔(《断背山》主演)很符合标准。

    With blue eyes , short dark-brown hair and medium build , the ideal candidate would appear to be film star Jake Gyllenhaal .

  25. 那时,最有趣的一个话题是,大家一起讨论《断背山》里有哪些伏笔。

    One of the most interesting discussions was about internal symbolic connections in the film , or what some people called " bookends " .

  26. 他曾经说过死后要火化,然后把骨灰撒在断背山上,我也不知道那是什么地方。

    He use to say he wanted to be cremated , ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain . I didn 't know where that was .

  27. 在我脑海里,孤独和高山的象征-断背山,成为一个合适的背景地。

    In my mind , isolation and altitude - the fictional Brokeback Mountain , a place empowering and inimical - began to shape the story .

  28. 纽约市歌剧院的发言人杰拉德•莫尔蒂尔于上周日发表一份声明称,目前沃里宁已接受操刀歌剧版《断背山》的邀请。

    The opera house 's spokesman Gerard Mortier said in a statement on Sunday that Wuorinen had accepted an invitation to compose an opera of the short story .

  29. 他们俩曾经在《断背山》中有过默契的合作,此番主演《爱情灵药》也是一对纠结的恋人,床戏颇多。

    The pair , who starred in Brokeback Mountain together , play a pair of mismatched lovers who end up in bed for a large part of the movie .

  30. 该片导演李安说,他从未想过用《断背山》表达什么观点,只是希望讲述一个爱情故事。

    Ang Lee , director of the film , said he never intended for " Brokeback Mountain " to make a statement , but simply wanted to tell a love story .