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Microstructural Features of the Mishan & Fushun Fault Zone Tectonite
Gold Exploration Model and Mineralization Predication in Zhao-Ping Fault Zone
There was no causal relationship between the Yunnan and Qinghai quakes , but they shared the same root cause , Sun Shihong , a researcher at the China Earthquake Networks Center , said .
Ore-controlling character of f_1 fracture zone of Tongshan Copper Deposit
Current Activity Characteristics of the Fault Zone Along the North Margin of West Qinling Mountain Revealed by GPS Measurements
The secular GPS crustal deformation image has reflected the relatively complete left lateral strike slip movement of this active fault zone .
Deformation Characteristics and the ESR Dating of Chengkou-Fangxian Fault Zone in the Qinling area
Both the 1067 and the 1574 earthquakes were produced possibly along the NE-trending Off-shore Fault zone .
The deep big faults provide CO2 with flowing paths , control the spatial distribution of the CO2 reservoirs . These faults are the most important controlling factor .
GEOCHRONOLOGICAL implication of k-ar , ft and TL systems of fault gouge from Yi-Shu fault zone
An Analysis of horizontal movement characteristics of Shanxi fault belt is made by using 6 retest data of 6 periods ( 1996-2001 ) of GPS monitoring network in Shanxi fault belt .
There are come into being a series of deep seated fault zone and a great deal CO2 degasification point through the collision between Indian and Asian plates .
The C2 seismic facies area is scatted along the basin-bounding fault in the south depression and is interpreted as an alluvial fan .
Original Co-deposits of Pule and Hengdong in northeast Hunan occurred in tectonic , hydrothermal , altered rock zone of the lower plate of main fracture belt F2 , Changping fracture zone .
Projections of sources have shown that swarm events were concentrated at both flanks of the extension of F2 fault which was located along the southern boundary of the Lianhuashan fault zone , suggesting that F1 fault was the seismogenic fault for the swarm .
This paper deals systematically with the various geological characteristics of the Lishan gold deposit , highlighting the ore controlling structures .
F1 fault is major controlling structures , and No. V1 ore body and some other ore bodies distributes along the fault strike , and which is rich in varieties of structural deformation phenomena .
In this area , fault occurrence changes frequently , so that in 20km extent there occur 6 fault zones whose dip directions are opposite each other .
Neotectonic movement is active , since the epipleistocene active fault zone has had24 to be many , the predominant direction of fault zone by NW and NWW to primarily .
The mylonite and ultramylonite in the ductile shear zones yield whole-rock 40Ar / 39Ar ages of 120 . 48 Ma and 118 . 75 Ma respectively , which suggest that large-scale sinistral displacement in the Tan-Lu fault zone took place in the Early Cretaceous .
A location of railway route has been successfully made through three different levels of remote sensing work : TM satellite image interpretation ( scale 1 : 100000 ) , aerial photo interpretation ( scale 1 : 35000 ) and aerial surveying alignment ( scale 1:10000 ) .
Studies of deformation structure in the eastern segment of the Altun fault zone indicate that it can be divided into the ductile sinistral strike-slip domain with subhorizontal stretching lineations ( SS domain ) and the contractional deformation domain with steeply plunging stretching lineations ( PS ) .
Yinshan upfolds the fault zone and the secondary construction create a favorable space for leading ore. It is the the main factor of rock control and ore control . Near EW , the fault zone controls the ore of every mineralized zone . 3 .
The Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone on the northern margin of the Qinling Mountains is a convergence belt between the North China plate and Qinling orogenic belt with the natures of SW-NE-directed subduction and sinistral strike-slip motion . It shows an association style of imbricate structure and duplex structure .
It is found that the precursors had not distributed a-long rupture zones , but mainly in the normal direction of fracture plane near the epicenter (≥ 50 km ), the focus is not on early fracture .
The Change of density , compressive and shear wave velocity of gouge of the Red River fault zone followed pressure was measured up to 500 MPa .
Ertix active fault zone , consisting of five active faults with an extension of about 650 km from east to west , owns characteristics of right-handed strike-slip thrusting .
Regional data also show that 8 Ma obtained by fission track dating of apatite is widely spread along the fault , suggesting a period of rapid strike slip of the fault during this time .
275 prospecting wells were drilled here , and 10 medium-sized complete oil-gas fields have been found by 31 wells of them , all of which are concentrated in traps of successive depression-side uplifts ( Kz , Mz ) on the fault terrace and fracture belt ;
The tin ore zone is restricted by the second-order fractures of the Lianhuashan fault belt , and the ore deposits and orebodies mainly occur along the NE-NEE interlayer-gliding fractures and their derivative fissures , showing structural positioning features .