
duàn cénɡ yá
  • Fault scarp;fault cliff
  1. 这类单面山既可以是侵蚀山崖也可以是断层崖。

    Such cuestas may be either erosional escarpments or fault scarps .

  2. 综合分析断裂不同地点的断层崖的高度和时代发现,不同时期的断裂活动强度可能是不同的。

    The intensities of faulting were different in different periods .

  3. 断层崖形成年代的数学模拟计算

    Mathematical model calculation of fault scarp age

  4. 华山北麓断层崖与大地震重复周期分析

    An analysis of fault scarps on North Huashan Mountain front and the recurrence intervals of larger earthquakes

  5. 地震时形成的一个主要的垂直断层崖,离溢洪道不到1000英尺。

    A major vertical fault scarp formed during the earthquake was less than 1000 ft from the spillway .

  6. 我们初步利用扩散方程的这一特性来探讨断层崖坡面演化过程的可视化方法,同时预测其未来的形态。

    The advantages of the diffusion equation feature are gained to discuss the visual process of scarp slope , together with forcasting it 's future shape .

  7. 无论是单一型断层崖还是复合型断层崖,通过断层崖的平均扩散年龄和初始错断时间,就能推断出它在某一时刻的具体形态。

    It is feasible to infer the specific shape of a fault scarp with the help of its average diffusion age and origin time of the scarp .

  8. 对断层崖上的沟谷演化过程,我们也对其数学模型的构造和可视化方法进行了探讨。

    As the evolution process of the drainage channels on the scarp slope is concerned , the construction of their mathematic models and the visualization methods are discussed .

  9. 晚第四纪断层崖高度和高度分布型式把断裂带分为西南和东北两个段落。

    Heights of late Quaternary fault-scarps and their a-long-striking distribution Pattern can divide the fault zone into two segments , the southwest ( SW ) segment and the northeast ( NE ) segment .

  10. 结果表明,断层崖地貌学方法所确定的地震重复周期与渭河盆地历史记载强震复发周期相吻合。

    The results show that the recurrence intervals determined by means of the geomorphology method of the fault scarps are in accord with the strong earthquake periods recorded in the history of the Weihe basin .

  11. 研究地震断错的相关堆积时,发现逆推断层崖也有崩积楔。提出的崩积楔发育模式与正断层崖的发育模式截然不同。

    We also found colluvial wedge on the reversed fault when studying the correlative accumulation of earthquake dislocation , but the developing model of colluvial wedge is quite different from that of the one generated on normal fault scarp .

  12. 断层陡崖、沟谷演化模型及三维可视化

    Research on the Evolutional Model of Scarps and Valleys Along Faults and Visualization

  13. 本文首次提出断层挠曲崖和推覆楔是倾滑型地震断层所特有的,可作为倾滑型地震的鉴别标志。

    We think that there is little possibility of occurrence of strong earthquakes ( 7 ) and put forward that the flexural scarp of fault and nappe wedge are inherent in dip slip faults and they can be considered as a diagnostics of dip slip seismic fault .