
duàn yán
  • assertion;assert;claim;predicate;declare;affirm;aver;say with certainty;assert categorically
断言 [duàn yán]
  • (1) [assert categorically;affirm] 十分肯定地说

  • 断言这样的作法会使肉在煮时收缩

  • (2) ;也指十分肯定地说出的话

断言[duàn yán]
  1. 我们可以断言,日军在华北今后将遇到最坚强的抵抗。

    We may say with certainty that the Japanese troops will meet with the most stubborn resistance in northern China .

  2. (五一)我们可以断言,持久战的抗日战争,将在人类战争史中表现为光荣的特殊的一页。

    51 . We can say with certainty that the protracted War of Resistance Against Japan will write a splendid page unique in the war history of mankind .

  3. 你的断言是否有真凭实据?

    Do you have any evidence to support your assertions ?

  4. “那是错的。”他断言道。

    ' That is wrong , ' he asserted .

  5. 他断言电视中所宣扬的色情与暴力诱使青少年堕落。

    He claimed that sex and violence on TV led to the corruption of young people .

  6. 现在就断言他的努力已经获得成功还为时过早。

    It 's too early to declare his efforts a success .

  7. 英国专家对该教授的断言进行了强烈驳斥。

    British experts delivered a strong counter-blast to the Professor 's claims .

  8. 他断言,如果他失败将会爆发动乱。

    He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses

  9. 现在断言这些威胁是否只是虚张声势还为时过早。

    It is too early to say whether the threats are mere sabre-rattling .

  10. “女性主义不必全然如此,”乔断言。

    ' Not all feminism has to be like this , ' Jo maintains

  11. 多年来,一些明显错误的断言都没有受到质疑。

    For years , blatantly false assertions have gone unchallenged

  12. “内城的情况很糟,而且是越来越糟。”她断言道。

    ' The situation in the inner cities is bad and getting worse , ' she concluded .

  13. 克罗斯比断言说:“我们一无所获,在做无用功。”

    ' Getting nowhere fast , ' pronounced Crosby , ' that 's what we 're doing . '

  14. 虽然政府称火灾是场意外,镇上的居民却断言这是保安部队的杰作。

    While the government said the fire was accidental , residents of the town alleged it was the handiwork of the security forces .

  15. 那位科学家断言月球上没有水。

    The scientist asserted that there is no water on the moon .

  16. 你不能断言我们没有试图帮助你。

    You can 't make out that we haven 't tried to help you .

  17. 她的朋友断言她是无罪的。

    Her friends asserted that she was innocent .

  18. 这种假设与问题或被断言的结果之间远远联系不上。

    The connection between the assumption and the question or alleged consequent is remote .

  19. 她断言她是无罪的。

    She affirmed her innocence .

  20. 他试图反驳原告方证人所作的断言。

    He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness .

  21. 他断言,如果他失败将会爆发动乱

    He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses .

  22. 那家报纸断言市长有舞弊行为。

    The newspaper alleged the mayor 's corrupt practices .

  23. 这个学生于是断言:“这个绳结根本就不可能解开!”宋元公派人去问连环节的鲁国人这话是否准确。

    The student thereupon claimed , " The knot could impossibly be untied . " The king sent people to check what he said with the countryman from Lu .

  24. 此断言处理业务流程中的Timeofday可变点。

    This assertion takes care of the Time of day point of variability in our business process .

  25. 用户在使用Web服务之后,可通过带有语义断言的关键词对服务进行标注。

    After using a service , a user can tag it with semantic assertion .

  26. 一种C程序断言的全自动静态验证方法

    Full-Automatic Static Assertion Verification for C Programs

  27. 分析器的输入包括测试断言文档的位置和对Web服务构件的引用。

    The input for the analyzer includes the location of the test assertion document and references to the Web service artifacts .

  28. 下图包含某个测试断言的HTMLrendering。

    The following figure contains an HTML rendering of a single test assertion .

  29. 断言Edit模式下的组件和动作。

    Assert the components and actions in Edit mode .

  30. SSL不限制断言ID的能力。

    SSL does not restrict that ability to assert an ID.