
ān quán
  • secure;security;safety;safe
安全 [ān quán]
  • [safe;secure] 不受威胁,没有危险、危害、损失

  • 安全炸药

  • 安全距离

安全[ān quán]
  1. 孩子在大街上玩不安全。

    The street is not safe for children to play in .

  2. “你安全啦!”汤姆高兴地大声说道。

    ' You 're safe ! ' Tom cried in delight .

  3. 为了保证安全,门总是锁着的。

    For reasons of security the door is always kept locked .

  4. 总统对于国家安全是不需要读入门书的。

    The President doesn 't need a primer on national security .

  5. 我们从车里看狮子,很安全。

    We watched the lions from the safety of the car .

  6. 今天稍后,部长将发表进一步的安全措施。

    The minister will pronounce on further security measures later today .

  7. 他们利用人们的不安全感向他们推销保险。

    They trade on people 's insecurity to sell them insurance .

  8. 夜间独自一人在大街上行走安全吗?

    Is it safe to walk the streets alone at night ?

  9. 悬赏要求将动物安全送还。

    A reward was offered for the animal 's safe return .

  10. 在进行安全检查期间生产暂停。

    Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out .

  11. 游击队员得到承诺,可以安全离开这个国家。

    The guerrillas were promised safe conduct out of the country .

  12. 此次发现炸弹促使当局加强了安全工作。

    The discovery of the bomb prompted an increase in security .

  13. 这是世界上最安全的车型之一。

    It is one of the safest cars in the world .

  14. 不安全的电脑系统给罪犯提供了可乘之机。

    An insecure computer system is an open door to criminals .

  15. 公司因忽略了安全规程而受到公开批评。

    The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures .

  16. 夜间在街上走不安全。

    It 's not safe to walk the streets at night .

  17. 这种疗法是否安全争论很大。

    There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment .

  18. 这家航空公司被指责将乘客安全当儿戏。

    The airline was accused of playing Russian roulette with passenger safety .

  19. 目的就是教育大众注意交通安全。

    The object is to educate people about road safety .

  20. 车停在马路上安全吗?

    Will the car be safe parked in the road ?

  21. 这些孩子在暴力和无安全感的环境中长大。

    The children grew up in an atmosphere of violence and insecurity .

  22. 这伙人被认为是威胁国家安全的危险分子。

    The group was considered to be a risk to national security .

  23. 这项新法规涉及工作场所的健康与安全。

    The new legislation concerns health and safety at work .

  24. 儿童必须使用经过认可的儿童安全带或成人座椅安全带。

    Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt .

  25. 我们得到保证,可以安全通过占领区。

    We were promised safe passage through the occupied territory .

  26. 我担心这种疗法是否安全。

    I 'm worried about the safety of the treatment .

  27. 在他的心目中,金融安全是十分重要的一环。

    Financial security was high on his list of priorities .

  28. 健康与安全的问题应该认真予以考虑。

    Careful consideration should be given to issues of health and safety .

  29. 对她的安全他似乎一点都不担心。

    He didn 't seem in the least concerned for her safety .

  30. 禁止吸烟,以策安全。

    In the interest of safety , smoking is forbidden .