
  • 网络Design by contract
  1. 契约式设计(或“契约式编程”)并不是编程领域的新概念,许多语言中已经有类似的实现了。

    Design by Contract , or Programming by Contract , is not a new concept in programming , many languages already having such implementations .

  2. 接着谈到契约式设计(DesignbyContract)原则和需求管理

    He then goes into Design by Contract principles , and requirements management

  3. 基于契约式设计的CORBA异常机制测试方法研究

    Study on DBC-Based Software Testing Approach for CORBA Exception Mechanism

  4. 基于面向方面编程(Aspect-orientedprogramming,AOP)技术实现契约式设计,可以通过将横切关注点(crosscuttingconcern)分离的方式,令编程人员独立的编写组件的契约和业务逻辑。

    By dividing the crosscutting concern , Aspect-Oriented Programming ( AOP ) techniques makes programmer write contracts and business logics independently .

  5. 尝试为应用程序整合进防御性编程、契约式设计和一种叫做OVal的易用的通用验证框架。

    Find out what happens when you combine defensive programming , design by contract , and an easy-to-use generic validation framework called OVal .

  6. 目前,已经有多种编程语言直接或间接地支持了契约式设计的理念,这其中包括C++和C等被程序开发者广泛使用的高级面向对象语言。

    So far , there are many programming languages which have already supported the concept of DbC directly or indirectly , including some advanced Object-Oriented programming languages which are used by a large number of developers such as C + + and C # .

  7. 而且,横切关注点开始渗入到契约式设计(DBC)的概念中。

    What 's more , this crosscutting concern starts to bleed into the notion of design by contract ( DBC ) .

  8. 20世纪90年代,BertrandMeyer首次将契约式设计(DesignbyContract,DbC)理念引入了面向对象编程技术中,并且在其构建的Eiffel语言中进行了全面的支持。

    In the 1990s , Bertrand Meyer first introduced the concept of Design by Contract ( DbC ) into the technology of Object-Oriented Programming , and has constructed a programming named Eiffel to support it comprehensively .

  9. 契约式设计DBC是面向对象程序设计的一项技术,其目的在于提高软件的质量、可靠性与可复用性。

    Design by Contract ( DBC ) is a technique in object-oriented software design whose goal is to ensure software quality , reliability , and reusability .

  10. 实际上,契约式设计倡导起首写断言。

    In effect , DbC advocates writing the assertions first .

  11. 你可以概括描述一下契约式设计吗?

    Bill Venners : Could you give an overview of Design by Contract ?

  12. 静态验证和契约式设计理论大部分属于确定性理论的范畴。

    Static verification and design by contract relay on theorems that are mostly based on deterministic approach .

  13. 重要模式包括契约式设计、定义良好的接口、可组合性、可预测的行为和组件测试。

    Significant patterns include design by contract , well-defined interfaces , composability , predictable behavior , and component testing .

  14. 他们都是用契约式设计的方法编写的,因此所有正确使用这个类的担子都落在这个客户机程序上。

    They are written in a design-by-contract method , where the burden on the correct use of the class is on the client .

  15. 把防御性编程技术和面向方面编程(通过契约式设计)联系起来是抵御所有重复性代码的一道坚强防线。

    Combining defensive programming techniques with aspect-oriented programming ( through design by contract ) is one way to keep the strong line of defense without all the repetitive coding .

  16. 契约式设计的核心是,按照与其他组件签定的契约,详细说明每个组件的功能需求。

    In a nutshell , when designing by contract you need to spell out the functional requirements of each component in terms of a contract with the other components .

  17. 介绍了契约式设计的思想,并在业务构件的分析中引入了契约式设计,从而构造出可信的业务构件。

    The idea of the design by contract is introduced and applied into the analysis of the business component . Therefore , the trusted business component can be built .

  18. 面向对象的契约式程序设计

    Object-oriented programming by contract

  19. 契约式广义课程设计

    Design of Contract-type Course in A Broad Sense

  20. 例如,一个最近发布的契约增强工具Contract4J使用apt生成某些方面,以增强契约式设计(DBC)的契约。

    For example , Contract4J , a recently released contract enforcement tool , uses apt to generate aspects to enforce design-by-contract ( DBC ) contracts .