
  • 网络Contractual Management
  1. 特许学校的契约式管理及影响

    The Contractual Management and Influence of Chart Schools

  2. 高校大学生契约式管理模式初探

    On Model of College Students Contractual Management

  3. 成都市玉林社区高血压患者契约式管理效果分析

    Analyses on the effect of community - based intervention on hypertension

  4. 传统高校学生管理模式存在许多弊端,必须对其进行改革,建立契约式管理模式是一种有益的探索。

    Much malpractices exist in the traditional student management model in colleges and universities , and it needs reforming .

  5. 高校学生心理契约式管理模式的构建

    On Composing a Model of the " Psychological Contract " in the Management of Student Affairs at Higher Educational Institutions

  6. 建立一种合理的契约式管理模式,界定高校和大学生之间的权利义务关系,是当前高校学生管理的必然选择。

    It is an inevitable choice for college students management to set up reasonable contractual management and define rights and responsibility between higher learning institutions and college students .

  7. 对社区高血压患者,在总模式实施水平背景下,强调了对高血压患者的契约式管理、社区综合防治和高血压信息系统。探讨了契约式利益模式的缺陷并提出优化对策。

    For hypertension patients in community , the model emphasizes contract-based management , comprehensive treatment and prevention , and information systems . The disadvantages of contract-based contact and the countermeasures for optimization are put forward .

  8. 本文从较大规模中学后勤管理社会化的界定入手,指出较大规模中学后勤管理社会化是指建立由政府为责任主体,学校为运行主体,以社会为承担主体,实施市场化运作、契约式管理。

    From the middle scale definition of logistics management socialization , large-scale secondary logistics management socialization is established by the government , the school for main responsibility for operation in society , for the subject , the implementation of market operation , contractual management .

  9. 从当前大学生工作面临的问题出发,对加强和改进高校学生工作进行了分析和思考,提出了在新形势下建立契约式大学生管理新体制。

    Starting off by the problem in the face of the college students ' work at present , the authors analyzes and thinks how to reinforce and improve the students management system like contract under a new situation .