
  • 网络Contractual credit;contractual trust
  1. 论农业产业化经营契约信用风险防范的合同法创新制度

    On innovation institution of contract law to avoid credit risks of agricultural industrialization contract

  2. 温州民营企业的组织形态演变及其金融危机应对&兼论从人伦信用到契约信用的演变

    Evolution of Structural Patterns of Private Businesses in Wenzhou in Response to Financial Crisis : From the Ethics-based Credit to the Contract-based Credit

  3. 情感信用与非情感信用,血缘信用、身份信用与契约信用构成人类信用的基本类型。

    Human credit is in the main composed of emotional credit , non-emotional credit , consanguinity credit , identity credit , and agreement credit .

  4. 我国正处于从传统社会的为情感交易而设立的身份信用向现代社会的为商业交易而设立的契约信用嬗变的过程之中。

    China is now in the transitional period from the traditional identity credit for sensibility exchange to the modern contract credit for business exchange .

  5. 最后,加大建设工程合同监管的力度,建立企业合同公示制度,提高企业的契约信用意识。

    Finally , the increased construction contract supervision and set up a public enterprise contract system and enhance the credit awareness of the lease .

  6. 作为市场体制具有的规则性、契约信用性、秩序性和统一整体性等基本特征,都不是市场交换所能自发产生的。

    Market system is featured as the regularity , contractual credit , order , unified integrity . These features are not automatically brought by the market exchange .

  7. 这一根本变化主要通过从身份信用到契约信用,由政治信用到经济信用等过程得到实现。

    This fundamental transformation has been realized mainly through the process from the status credit to the contract credit and from the politic credit to the economic credit .

  8. 契约信用的缺失行为,不仅是不道德的,也是违法的:失信者不仅要承担道义上的谴责,而且还要承担法律上的制裁。

    The lack of contract credit is not only immoral but also illegal . Persons who are without faith should bear the condemnation from moral principle as well as legal sanction .

  9. 在资本市场中介机构信用的立法的完善、监管的完善、契约信用文化的培育、中介机构执业独立性的完善四个方面提出了具体建议。

    Specific recommendations are provided from four aspects : improvement of the legislation in capital market intermediaries credit , the improvement of supervision , contract credit culture cultivation and intermediaries independence .

  10. 旧的人伦信用已不适应市场经济的需要,新的适应市场经济需要的契约信用又未建立起来,在这种情况下,普遍的失信行为存在不足为奇。

    It is not strange that promise-breaking conducts should remain common in the event that old human-relations credit can not meet the needs of market economy and that new contract credit relationships remain to be established .

  11. 契约信用反映了合同法治与信用机制的融合:契约信用正是体现了合同法治与信用机制相辅相成、互为促动的关系,将二者互为目的和手段,共同推动社会主义市场经济的发展完善。

    Contract credit reflects the integration of contract rule and credit institution rule . Contract credit is exactly the reflection of the relationship between contract rule and credit institution rule , which reflects that they motivate and help each other .

  12. 契约信用与效率违约悖论:契约信用以契约双方必须遵守合同为首要条件,效率违约论则认为为了实现社会效益最大化,必要时可以违约,显然两者是矛盾的。

    The primary rule of contract credit is that both sides of contract should comply with the contract , while efficiency default admits default in order to maximize social efficiency when necessary . Obviously , contract credit and efficiency default are contrary .

  13. 信用制度是对信用现象的规范和制约,它的演进经历了三个逐渐递进的阶段:人伦信用制度阶段、契约信用制度阶段和社会契约信用制度阶段。

    Credit system has been a norm and restraint to credit phenomenon , its evolution has experienced three gradually developing stages : the stage of human relations credit system , the stage of contract credit system and ! the stage of social contract credit system .

  14. 从确立信用的社会资源观和经济价值观,以及信用道德、信用契约和信用体系三个层面进行信用建设,营造品牌构建的良好信用环境,促进企业品牌的建设和竞争优势的建立。

    The paper elaborates the importance of improving the credit environment , enhancing the brand construction and building the competitive edge of businesses in terms of the establishment of credit ethic , credit bond and credit system .

  15. 建筑市场信用体系主要由经济信用、合同(契约)信用、质量信用和执业人员信用四个部分组成,前三个部分又都有重合之处,其中质量信用部分内容严格来讲也应归属于合同信用。

    The construction market credit system is mainly composed of four parts which are economy credit , contract credit , quality credit and professional credit . The first three parts have something coinciding . Strictly speaking , the quality credit should belong to the contract credit .

  16. 市场经济本质上是一种契约经济或信用经济。

    Market economy is a contract economy or credit economy .

  17. 债务展期金融契约视角下信用担保风险定价研究

    Study on Credit Guarantee Risk Pricing from the Perspective of Debt delay Finance Contract

  18. 近代商事制度的形成与人的理性商事观、商事精神、契约文化和信用观念密切相关。

    The development of the modern commercial system is closely related to man 's concept of rational commercial affairs , commercial spirit , bond culture and credit concept .

  19. 本文选择经济契约中的信用作为研究角度,旨在通过经济交易中的契约关系,对其中的信用行为及信用关系做出全新理解,将契约与信用的关系与作用给予进一步的发展。

    This text selects the credit in economic contract as study angle , the purpose is to understand the credit behavior and credit relationship among contract relation of economic transaction in a totally new way , and impart further development of the relation and function between contract and credit .

  20. 论心理契约在维护政府信用中的功能论语言实验室科学管理与维护的实践

    On the Function of the Psychological Contract in the Maintenance of Government Credit ; Management and maintenance of language laboratory

  21. 由于信息不对称及不完全契约,商业银行信用风险必然存在。

    The existence of credit risk in commercial banks is inevitable as a result of asymmetry information and incomplete contract .

  22. 从人伦到契约:中西方信用文化的比较分析及法律调整

    From " Interpersonal Relations " to " Contract ": a Comparative Analysis of Credit Culture Between China and the West and Law Adjustments

  23. LSSC可以看作是各主体之间以相互合作为纽带建立起来的复杂契约网络,合作或交易需要契约加以约束,信用又是合作的基础,因此LSSC中可能存在着不同程度的信用风险问题。

    LSSC can be seen as complex contracts network based on the mutual cooperation of the members , and co-operation or transaction is to be bound by contracts , but credit is the basis for cooperation .

  24. 契约文明以契约精神为核心,在内容上,契约文明主要由信用意识、敬业意识和公民意识构成。

    The core of the contractual civilization is contractual spirit , and the contents of the contractual civilization consist of the sense of credit , the sense of career respecting and the sense of citizenship .

  25. 对农炉-营契约而言,除了自然和市场风险外,农业产业化经营契约在实陷中会磁以下各种各样的契约信用凤险。

    Besides the nature and market risks , there are also many credit risks during the practice of the Agriculture integration contract .