
  • 网络credit;enterprise credit;Business credit
  1. WTO与中国企业信用

    WTO and China 's Enterprise Credit

  2. 基于SVM的建筑企业信用评价研究

    To Study on Credit Evaluating of Construction Enterprises Based on SVM

  3. 深圳市XX银行企业信用风险评级系统的改进研究

    Strategy for Business Credit Risk Assessment at XX Bank of Shenzhen

  4. 本文以X公司的实际发展现状为背景,结合企业信用管理理论的原理与方法,对X公司信用管理体系建立的分析及规划设计进行了探索性的研究。

    Under the development background of X Company , combined with principles and methods of credit management , the author carries out a research on construction of X Company credit management system .

  5. 其次,利用AHP分析法,确定指标之间的层次关系和权重,建立了中小企业信用风险评估的评分模型,并对我国中小企业板上市的20家中小企业进行了评估排序分析。

    Then , by using the AHP method to determine the hierarchy of the indices and their weights , it builds a credit risk scoring model for small and middle enterprises which is used to analyze the 20 small and middle public enterprises .

  6. 企业信用缺失的现状及其法律重构

    The Status Quo of Honesty Lost in Business and Legal Reform

  7. 工业企业信用销售的资信评估研究

    Study on Capital Credit Assessment of Credit Selling of Industrial Enterprises

  8. 中小企业信用担保机制探析

    A Discussion on Mechanism of Credit Assurance of the Small-and-medium-Sized Enterprises

  9. 民营企业信用文化建设的对策研究

    The Countermeasure Study on Constructing the Credit Culture of Private Corporations

  10. 完善企业信用管理的途径与方法

    The Paths and Methods for Perfecting the Enterprise 's Credit Management

  11. 中小企业信用缺失研究现状评述

    Review on Credit Lack Research of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  12. 针对国内中小型制造企业信用营销管理模式的探讨

    Discussing the Mode of Credit Marketing Management for Domestic Manufacture SMEs

  13. 第二部分国外中小企业信用担保的比较分析。

    Part 2 : The comparative analysis of foreign credit guarantee .

  14. 基于模糊综合评判法的企业信用评级研究

    Research on the Enterprises Credit Rating Based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  15. 我国私营企业信用评价指标体系及其模糊多目标多人评价研究

    Credit Evaluation Indexes System and Credit Grade for Private Enterprise

  16. 第二,为什么会出现企业信用缺失?

    Secondly , why the lack of business credibility occurs ?

  17. 中小企业信用管理全过程控制方法

    Introduction to SMEs ' Full - Process Control Method of Credit Management

  18. 第三部分主要论述了企业信用政策的建立。

    The third chapter mainly discusses establishment of credit policy .

  19. 企业信用管理的动力系统分析

    The Analysis About The Motive System Of Enterprise Credit Management

  20. 提高企业信用的经济价值认识,加强企业信用建设

    Enhancing the Knowledge of Enterprise Credit and Strengthening Its Construction

  21. 企业信用治理:环境的视角

    Enterprise Credit Managing : From the Perspective of Environment

  22. 工商行政管理与企业信用监管

    Management of Business Administration and Supervision of Enterprise Credit

  23. 五举措强化企业信用体系建设

    Five Measures Enhance the Construction of Corporate Credit System

  24. 我国企业信用评价指标有效性研究

    The Research of Validity of Corporate Credit Evaluating Indicator

  25. 论重庆市中小企业信用担保体系的建立

    On the Establishment of Credit-guarantee System in Small and Medium-sized Business in Chongqing

  26. 二是中国企业信用与个人诚信不能令人满意;

    Second , Chinese enterprises ' credit and personal integrity is not satisfying ;

  27. 企业信用等级综合评价方法及应用

    The Comprehensive Evaluation Method of the Credit Rating of Enterprise and Its Application

  28. 企业信用风险评判的模糊神经网络方法

    Credit Risk Assessment of Enterprise Using FNN Evaluation

  29. 无论银行对企业信用类型预期如何,总是批准贷款。

    Whatever expectation of credit class of SMES , banks always approve the loan .

  30. 企业信用资产有利于企业的经营;

    Credit asset is good for enterprise management .