
  1. 培育国有企业危机忧患意识,必须对国有企业进行全方位的制度创新。

    So to incubate the crisis awareness of the state-owned enterprises , a thorough system innovation in those enterprises must be put forward .

  2. 第三部分人力资源管理环境分析,对东宇集团人力资源管理面临的内外各种环境因素做了较详细剖析,旨在提高企业各级主管的危机意识,提出了企业目前人力资源管理中存在的主要问题。

    Part three is HRM environmental analysis , Its main purpose is to make all managers establish crisis consciousness in their minds .

  3. 认清企业危机,增强忧患意识,做好危机管理是现代供电企业必须重视的问题。

    It needs great attention of modern power-supply enterprises to recognize the enterprise crisis , strengthen the suffering consciousness and properly handle the crisis management .

  4. 企业所以出现危机主要原因是存在知识不足,危机知识缺乏使企业危机意识不足,不知道危机的发展规律。

    The key reason of enterprise emerging crisis is short of enough knowledge , inadequate knowledge let enterprise less crisis sense , do not know the law of crisis development .

  5. 财务危机是客观存在的,贯穿于企业的财务系统,对企业有举足轻重的作用,而我国中小企业对财务危机防范意识相对更弱,分析研究财务危机预警尤为必要。

    The financial crisis is objective . The financial system penetrating through the enterprises plays a significant role in the enterprises . However , SMEs in China have weak awareness on preventing the financial crisis , so it is essential to analyze the warning on financial crisis .

  6. 最后得出我国现阶段进行有效的企业危机管理,需要做好以下几个方面工作:(1)在日常的管理中,企业要不断提高危机意识,加强风险管理,防范危机的发生。

    Finally I concludes that it need to do well of some aspects of the work in this period if the business crisis management would be effective .