
  1. 一些制造汽车、电子产品和飞机部件的日本厂家关闭,导致美国和其他许多国家的工厂出现生产危机。

    Some Japanese factories that normally produce parts for cars , electronics and aircraft are shut down , causing production problems for factories in many nations , including the United States .

  2. 这是造成中国大学知识生产危机的实质,它使得大学知识生产内部各个子系统的相互作用发生紊乱,从而丧失自我发展的内部动力。

    This explains the crisis of knowledge production of universities in China and makes the internal sub-systems ' interaction in knowledge production of universities a disorder , thus losing the internal dynamics of self-development .

  3. 国际粮食形势及我国粮食生产潜在危机与对策

    International grain situation and latency crisis and Countermeasures for grain protection in China

  4. 这回过来又会加速生产过剩危机的到来。

    This will in turn hasten the arrival of a crisis of over-production .

  5. 第一,中国目前所面临的问题更具有传统的生产过剩危机的特点。

    Firstly , the problem facing China at the moment is more of traditional crisis of overproduction characteristics .

  6. 因此,以马克思主义经济学的基本理论逻辑来看,现代金融危机与资本主义的古典危机都是生产过剩危机。

    Therefore , from the view of Marxist economics , classical crisis and modern financial crisis are the same in essence that both are overproduction .

  7. 商业信用的停顿使过剩商品的销售更加困难,银行信用的混乱更加加重了过剩商品的销售困难,从而使生产过剩危机趋于尖锐化。

    Business Credit pause to the sale of surplus goods more difficult , bank credit increased the confusion more difficult to sell surplus goods , so that sharpening of the crisis of overproduction .

  8. 借助自由贸易这种它最偏爱的工具,它试图唤回曾一度给它带来恐惧的生产过剩的危机;

    With its preferred instrument of Free Trade , ownership attempts to bring about the very crisis of over-production it once feared .

  9. 这一方面是由于生产过剩的危机还没有发展到一发不可收拾的地步,大多数资产阶级经济学家对经济增长都充满信心。

    This is because the economic crisis has not development to be not controlled , and the most bourgeois economists confidence on economic growth .

  10. 经济危机;生产过剩;次贷危机;

    Economic crisis ; Over-production ; Subprime mortgage crisis ;

  11. 这种疲软的性质,用马克思主义经济学观点来判别,应属生产相对过剩的危机;

    The nature of weakness is the crisis of relative overproduction by Marxist political economy .

  12. 生态社会主义从两方面揭示了资本主义生产方式与生态危机的必然联系,指出资本主义制度与全球环境恶化的联系。

    It reveals from two respects the inexorable link between capitalist mode of production and eco-crisis , pointing out the relation between capitalist system and the deteriorating global environment .

  13. 食物供给无法达到现在的要求,这意味着我们正面临一场食物生产和销售的危机。

    The food supply will not increase nearly enoueh to match this , which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food .

  14. 伴随经济快速发展,暴露出来的是越来越多的食品安全问题,由此进一步引发的农业生产及食品安全危机越来越受到来自社会各界的广泛关注。

    With the rapid development of economy , more and more food safety problems have been revealed , and then further triggered crisis of agricultural production and food safety which made more and more people from all sectors of society paid wide attention on the problem .

  15. 本文从安全生产风险管理的角度,探讨了安全生产危机预警的概念,研究了安全生产危机管理的内容。

    From the angle of work safety crisis management , the concept of work safety crisis warning and work safety management were discussed .