
  • 网络production delay
  1. 这种方法也可以推广用在其它具有生产延迟和分销环节的供应链中。

    The procedure is readily extended for other production delays and distri-butions .

  2. 利用错误避免与问题解决系统找出生产延迟,物料延迟,质量问题和浪费的根本原因。

    Use error proofing and problems solving to determine the root causes of production delays , material delays , quality problems and cause of waste .

  3. 向管理人员提交有关仍然存在生产延迟的每日报告,以便他们能够采取行动进一步减少生产延迟。

    Reports are generated on a daily basis to inform the managers where production delays are still occurring in order that they can act to reduce delays even further .

  4. 第三章主要就大规模定制生产下的延迟制造进行探讨。

    In chapter 3,1 mainly described the postponed manufacturing of mass customization .

  5. 生猪生产过程的延迟使生猪出栏量波动变得频繁。

    Process delays of pig production make the amount of pig slaughter become frequent .

  6. 有芯气压浇注炉用于球铁生产时能延迟球化衰退,减少浇注温度波动和成分波动。

    Using pneumatic induction pouring furnace with iron core in nodular iron production can delay nodularition degeneration reduce fluctuation of pouring temperature and composition .

  7. 这说明,生猪生产过程的延迟是生猪出栏量的波动的根源之一。

    This shows that , the process delay of pig production is one of the causes of the fluctuations of the amount of pig slaughter .

  8. 但一系列生产问题和延迟导致疫苗接种工作受到延误,从而阻碍了政府官员遏制疾病持续传播的举措。

    Yet officials are hampered in their efforts to combat its continuing spread because vaccine has been delayed by a series of manufacturing problems and slowdowns .

  9. 生产上适当延迟采收‘翠玉’梨可以提高果实蔗糖含量进而提高果实总糖含量及果实甜度。

    Delaying harvest can improve the sucrose content of the fruit and thus increase the total sugar content of fruits and fruit sweetness of ' Cuiyu ' pear .

  10. 供应链管理的目标已经从单一的有效顾客反应发展到大批量定制生产,而延迟战略则被认为是实现大批量定制的最佳方法。

    With the development of the objective of the supply chain management from single Effective Customer Response ( ECR ) to Mass Customization , the postponement strategy is regarded as the best practice to implement the mass customization .

  11. 比如你经常需要决定是否要加快物流速度以解决生产链上的延迟。

    Say you regularly need to decide whether to expedite shipping due to work-in-progress delays .

  12. 但是,在一个有大量数据集的生产环境中,延迟加载往往为您提供优势。

    However , in a production environment with large data sets , lazy loading always provides advantages .

  13. 生产上可以适当延迟定植,提高栽培密度,选择适当的坐果部位,以降低成本,提高效益。

    Properly delayed cultivation , high density and proper setting fruit portion could increase the seed yield , reduce cost and raise economic efficiency .

  14. 与之类似,生产部署也可能延迟,因为业务需要,比如合同强制要求,或是早已公之于众的特定日期升级计划。

    Likewise a production deployment may be delayed due to business needs such as contractual obligations or a well-publicized upgrade scheduled for a specific date .