
  • 网络food supply chain
  1. 基于RFID的食品供应链管理系统

    A Food Supply Chain Management System Based on RFID

  2. RFID的解决方案对每一件物品提供高效、详尽的控制,在从农场到消费者餐桌的整个食品供应链中,创建一系列可靠的食品信息。

    RFID solution for each item to provide efficient and detailed control of . From farm to consumer table the entire food supply chain , creating a range of reliable information on food .

  3. 运用了toc理论对食品供应链发展及未来食品业信息系统化发展提出积极意见。

    Last but not least , TOC theory is also employed to provide the suggestions for the development of supply chain and the information systemization in food industry .

  4. 提出了将RFID技术应用在食品供应链中的各个环节及与条形码结合的方案,对解决食品的安全透明化管理及追溯具有很重要意义。

    The paper proposes an effective method to secure food supply chain based on RFID as well as barcode , which will play an important role in tracing the source of food and managing the food supply chain safely .

  5. 基于食品供应链的食品安全保障机制研究

    Study on food security mechanisms based on the food supply chain

  6. 闽台食品供应链标章与规范整合研究

    Conformity of Mark & Norm on Food Supply Chain between Fujian-Taiwan

  7. 农业食品供应链的可追溯性研究

    Study on the Traceability in Agriculture and Food Supply Chain

  8. 食品供应链中的物流外包问题研究

    A Study on the Problem of Logistics Outsourcing in Food Supply Chain

  9. 我国食品供应链的销售物流研究

    Study on Sale Logistics of China Food Logistics Supply Chain

  10. 食品供应链可追溯制度的国际比较及其启示

    International Comparison and Enlightenment On Food Supply Chain Traceability System

  11. 可追溯系统在食品供应链中的作用与研究

    Research and Function of Traceability System in Food Chain

  12. 基于食品供应链的肉类工业质量安全体系研究

    Research on quality safety system of meat industry based on food supply chain

  13. 佳沃集团则在应对更大的挑战:整个食品供应链。

    Joyvio is taking on a bigger challenge : the entire food chain .

  14. 探析食品供应链管理中重金属污染控制

    How to Control Heavy Metal Pollution in Food SCM

  15. 事实证明,控制中国庞大的食品供应链是一项令人沮丧的工作。

    Controlling China 's sprawling food supply chain has proved a frustrating endeavor .

  16. 农业食品供应链中的信息技术

    Information technology in argi - food supply chain

  17. 加工企业与下游零售商定价决策模型&以绿色食品供应链为例

    Pricing Decision Model for Manufacturing Enterprises and Retailers

  18. 食品供应链的具体形态和结构受到各种外部环境因素的影响。

    The form and structure of food supply chain are affected by many external factors .

  19. 本文研究的是对食品供应链系统进行稳健设计。

    The purpose of this research is to robust design for food supply chain system .

  20. 中国的食品供应链规模扩张迅速,但长期存在食品安全问题。

    Supply chains have scaled up quickly in China and food safety is a perennial issue .

  21. 丰富了稳健设计理论在复杂的食品供应链领域的应用研究成果。

    This paper enriched robust design theory in complex food supply chain field of applied research .

  22. 中国政府正在响应民众要求,捍卫食品供应链安全。

    The Chinese government is moving to safeguard the food supply chain in response to citizens " demands .

  23. 在食品供应链中发展物流外包,对于委托企业和供应链的整体绩效有着直接的促进效果。

    Logistics outsourcing in food supply chain can promote the overall performance of customer enterprises and the supply chain .

  24. 但是,如果他们抓住一家美国公司当作突出典型,就会令整个食品供应链心怀戒惧。

    But if they make a prime example of a US company it scares the whole food supply chain .

  25. 一个核心是建立食品供应链,三个保障是制度保障、技术保障和品牌保障。

    One core is to set up food supply chain and three guarantee mechanisms are system , technology and brand strategy .

  26. 中国有十几亿人要吃饭,拥有世界上最复杂的食品供应链。

    With more than a billion mouths to feed , China has one of the world 's most complex food chains .

  27. 将这三个维度协调统一起来,并从长期、动态的角度加以理解,才能实现食品供应链的可持续发展。

    In order to set up sustainable food supply chain , it is necessary to consider these three dimensions harmonically and dynamically .

  28. 在食品供应链中的原材料供应、加工生产和销售等环节,物流外包均有着广阔的发展机会。

    Logistics outsourcing has many opportunities to develop in supply of raw material , processing and manufacturing , selling etc in the food supply chain .

  29. 组织者还使用利用电子标签进行射频识别的技术在食品供应链中对食品进行全程追踪。

    Organizers also use Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ), a technology that uses electronic identification tags , to track food through its entire supply chain .

  30. 本文主要概括了当前中国食品供应链中存在的主要问题,并指出了如何把供应链思想应用于食品供应链。

    This article concludes the main problems existing in China 's current food supply chain and discusses how to apply supply chain theory in the area .