
  • 网络food packaging safety
  1. 我国的食品包装安全管理还没有形成比较完善的管理机制,这对于食品包装安全的管理极为不利。

    But safety management of food packaging in China has not formed a complete management system , which for the food packaging safety management is extremely unfavorable .

  2. 食品安全是一个系统性工程,食品包装安全是其中一个重要环节。

    Food safety is a systemic project , and food packaging safety is an important part .

  3. 为确保聚酯瓶的食品包装安全卫生,我国及世界各国对此均有严格的限量规定,采取有效的措施进行质量控制,其中以FDA最为严格。

    PET bottles to food packaging to ensure safety and health , China and the world have strict limits to this requirement , to take effective measures to carry out quality control , of which the most stringent FDA .

  4. 国外食品包装安全体系&包装安全与总统行动计划

    Safety system for food packag - ing in foreign countries

  5. 国际食品包装安全法规的制定与实施

    International safety law for the food packaging : draw up and carry out

  6. 浅述国外食品包装安全体系

    A study in food packaging security system overseas

  7. 食品包装安全为本

    Food package safe is the most important

  8. 食品包装安全八项注意

    Attentions for the food packaging safe

  9. 基于价值工程原理的食品包装卫生安全分析

    Analysis the Food Package 's Hygienic Safety Base on Value Engineering

  10. 食品包装材料安全保障体系的系统研究

    Research on security system of food packaging materials

  11. 塑料食品包装卫生安全性浅析

    Analysis on Health of Plastic Food Packing

  12. 食品包装产品安全是食品安全的重要基础保障,其安全卫生越来越引起人们的关注。

    Food packaging product safety is an important base for food safety to protect their health and safety has drawn increasing attention .

  13. 食品包装材料的安全性及其对策

    Safety of the Food Packaging Materials and its Strategies

  14. 食品包装应以安全为本

    Safe : key to the food packaging

  15. 食品包装塑料制品安全性规定

    Safe rules on food packaging plastic products

  16. 食品包装的几个安全问题

    A Few safe Problems in Food Packaging

  17. 食品包装与食品安全有密切的关系,食品包装必须保证被包装食品的卫生安全,才能成为放心食品。

    Only be insured of safety and sanitation can food be claimed to be safe food .

  18. 本文分析了我国目前所使用的几种食品包装材料的安全隐患,就加强我国食品包装材料卫生管理工作提出了几点建议。

    The existing problems of food flexible packaging material were analyzed and the safety standards of flexible packaging materials were summarized .

  19. 天然染料上染纸浆生产的彩色纸浆模塑包装制品,能够达到食品包装卫生、安全、环保的要求,满足消费者对环保型彩色食品包装制品的需求。

    Food packaging products of color paper mould that produced by pulp dyeing in natural dyestuffs can meet the requirement of hygiene , security , and environmental protection of food packing , and meet the demand for environmental protection color food packaging of consumers .

  20. 目前,软塑包装复合工艺以溶剂型复合为主,溶剂残留和排放问题给食品包装的卫生安全性和环境保护带来了隐患,阻碍着软塑包装行业的发展。

    At present , the laminating process of flexible plastic packaging mainly uses the solvent adhesive for laminating . But the problems of solvent residues and emissions have brought some hidden perils for food packaging safety and environmental protection , which are restricting the development of flexible plastic packaging industries .

  21. 确保食品包装材料的卫生安全软包装行业面临的问题及应采取措施

    Soft Packaging Sector to Take Measures to Ensure Sanitation of Foodstuff Packing Materials

  22. 食品包装物的质量安全是食品安全的重要内容。

    The quality safety of food packaging is an important aspect of food safety .

  23. 随着人们对食品安全关注程度的增加,食品包装材料的安全性也日渐引起世界各国的广泛关注,同时,也被一些发达国家作为技术性贸易措施来提高进口食品的门槛。

    Recently , the safety of food packaging materials have been drawing increasing attention all over the world , meanwhile , it also been taken as the technical trade measure to improve the threshold of imported food in some developed countries .

  24. 再介绍国外成熟的食品包装管理体系,力图从国外的先进经验中找到对我国食品包装安全管理机制的一些改进方向。

    Then the paper introduces the mature foreign food packaging management system , trying to find some improvements in the direction of safety management mechanism of food packaging learn from foreign experience .

  25. 从食品包装功能的价值分析着手,运用价值工程理论中的价值原理,分析食品包装卫生安全的价值;

    Applying the theories in value engineering ( VE ), analysis the value of food package 's hygienic safety form the value of food package 's function .