
  • 网络Grocery;grocery store
  1. 楼上是一个日本食杂店,而楼下是餐馆。

    Upstairs is a Japanese grocery store and downstairs a restaurant .

  2. 例如,如果你想记得去食杂店时要买鸡肉、牛油果和生菜,你可以想象一下蔬菜和肉类柜台以及这些商品本身。

    For example , if you want to remember to buy chicken , avocados and lettuce at the grocery store , imagine the produce and meat departments and those items .

  3. 那个妇女说,她必须去食杂店。

    The woman said that she must go to the grocer 's.

  4. 候船大厅门口有一些食杂店。

    There are several grocery stores near the gate of the waiting hall .

  5. 女人做完家务后去了食杂店。

    The woman went to the grocer 's after she had finished the housework .

  6. 《仓买》食杂店类仓储超市的名称,说明它的廉价和实惠。

    Selling in the storehouse The name of storehouse illustrates its cheap and economic .

  7. 这是那些懒惰的食杂店的错。

    It 's those lazy grocery stores .

  8. 由于利润空间非常微薄,食杂店更不愿承受这种损失。

    And profit margins are thin , so grocery stores are less willing to absorb the losses .

  9. 麦克丹尼尔博士说:“当你身处食杂店时,这些线索可以帮你回忆起这些任务。”

    When you get to the store , those cues help you remember , ' Dr. McDaniel says .

  10. 麦克丹尼尔博士说:当你身处食杂店时,这些线索可以帮你回忆起这些任务。

    ' When you get to the store , those cues help you remember , ' Dr. McDaniel says .

  11. 沙勒布瓦教授表示,结果就是,不仅新鲜农产品的价格会上涨,食杂店商品的价格也会抬高。

    The result , Professor Charlebois said , is that price increases will be seen throughout grocery stores and not just in their fresh produce aisles .

  12. 例如,与服装店相比,食杂店的价格上涨得更快一些,这意味着杂货店更快速地体现了汇率波动。

    The turnover in the grocery aisle , compared with , say , a clothing store , is faster , meaning changes in currency are more quickly reflected .

  13. 伯尼出生在纽卡斯尔市一个并不富裕的家庭,从15岁起他就开始在一家食杂店担任送货员。

    Born in a Newcastle bedsit , Mr Burnie grew up in a home without an indoor toilet and began working life as a grocery delivery boy aged 15 .

  14. 很多资深的幼儿园老师,以及大部分学术研究人员均表示,他们早就知道,允许孩子用大量时间去模拟的食杂店买东西,或是利用积木弄明白如何搭建桥梁时,他们的学习效果是最好的。

    And many veteran kindergarten teachers , as well as most academic researchers , say they have long known that children learn best when they are allowed ample time to go shopping at a pretend grocery store or figure out how to build bridges with wooden blocks .