
  • STORE;Local Store;Hypostatic store
  1. Showrooming指先到传统实体店查看某件商品,然后到网上以较低的价格将该商品购入的行为,我们可以称之为“先逛店后网购”。

    Showrooming is the practice of going to a conventional store to look at a product and then buying it online for a cheaper price .

  2. 然后,我会去实体店看看东西是什么样儿。

    Then I go to the store and see what I can find .

  3. 德国电信称,此次预购活动不接受来自互联网的预约,只允许消费者到实体店内下单。

    The carrier is allegedly not taking online reservations and only letting customers pre-order the device in-store .

  4. 许多经营实体店的公司都陷入了困境。

    Many firms operating brick and mortar stores are in trouble .

  5. 尽管市场动荡,但实体店不会很快消失。

    Despite the turmoil , brick and mortar won 't disappear any time soon .

  6. 实体店似乎要步入黄页的后尘。

    Brick and mortar stores seem to be going the way of the yellow pages .

  7. 实体店缩减和关门的原因之一,就是为人们提供的实体购物空间过剩。

    There 's a surplus of physical shopping space for the crowds , which is one reason why stores are downsizing and closing .

  8. 互联网向商业开放了20多年,美国人口普查局的数据显示,2016年第一季度,实体店销售额占零售总额的92。3%。

    More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce , the Census Bureau tells us that brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016 .

  9. Omnichannel(全渠道的)是形容词,指“一种综合了多种顾客购物手段的零售形式”,如网络、实体店、电话零售。

    The adjective omnichannel is used to refer to " a type of retail1 which integrates the different methods of shopping available to consumers " , e.g. online , in a physical shop , or by phone .

  10. 新零售的意思就是将实体店零售和网络零售的优势结合起来。

    New Retail1 is a term that roughly indicates a combination of the best in physical and online retail .

  11. “线上线下相结合”的模式让你既能在当地实体店亲身体验,又能在网上进行购买,从而让消费者鱼和熊掌兼得。

    With the ' click-and-mortar ' grocers , stores that have both a local presence and online shopping capability3 , customers can get the best of both worlds .

  12. 埃森哲咨询公司的研究揭示了消费者这么做的原因:去实体店前,(人们)会先了解某产品是否有货。人们可以体验一下产品,既避免了运费,又可以在实体店得到网上产品的最优价格。

    The Accenture study explains the reasons customers webroom : to know if a product is in stock costs , and to ask stores to match the best online price .

  13. FreshDirect等其他零售商也取消了实体店。

    Other sellers , such as Fresh Direct , also cut out the physical store .

  14. 全球最大的电子商务公司亚马逊(Amazon)终于要开实体店了。

    The world 's largest e-commerce company is finally going to embrace bricks and mortar .

  15. 这或许能解释,为什么eBay眼下正在大举进军实体店。

    This likely explains why the company is aggressively pushing into brick-and-mortar locations .

  16. 今年,腾讯一直在与包括星巴克(Starbucks)在内的大量实体店签约。

    Tencent has been signing up scores of physical stores this year , including Starbucks .

  17. 面对亚马逊(Amazon)等在线零售商带来的残酷竞争,百思买实体店的销售下滑,公司面临关闭店铺的压力。

    It faces pressure to close stores as sales lag as well as cutthroat competition from online retailers such as Amazon .

  18. 新的地点将满足客户网上下单,之后实体店取货的需求。这不仅解决了易变质物品的物流难题,而且有助于弥补线下实体店、AmazonFresh和PrimeNow的物流能力不足的问题。

    The new locations would allow customers to buy online and then pick up the groceries , eliminating the need for Amazon to deliver perishable items .

  19. 该实体店还开始对苹果iOS电脑进行折旧回收,返还店内积分。

    The brick and mortar chain also started accepting trade-ins of Apple IOS devices for store credit .

  20. 《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)本周四报道,据消息人士称,亚马逊公司将在纽约开设首家实体店,开业时间正好选在今年的圣诞购物季之前。

    The Wall Street Journal on Thursday reported that Amazon.com AMZN - 2.27 % will open its first physical store in New York in time for the holiday shopping season , citing people familiar with its plans .

  21. 中国电子商务研究中心(Chinae-BusinessResearchCentre)主任曹磊表示,中国80%的销售仍然在线下进行,因此电商集团收购实体店的趋势现在“非常稳固,很可能会延续下去”。

    Cao Lei , director at China e-Business Research Centre , said 80 per cent of China 's sales were still made offline and the trend of ecommerce groups buying physical stores was now " very firm and likely to continue . "

  22. 个人电脑厂商将向实体店和网店供应大量预装Windows7的新电脑,并向希望升级系统的Vista用户发售软件。

    PC makers will rush to flood physical and online stores with new computers pre-loaded with Windows 7 , and to offer the software to Vista owners who wish to upgrade .

  23. HTC公司该产品的推迟发布说明虚拟现实技术从研究项目走向实体店的道路确实是漫长而曲折的。

    HTC 's delay represents just the latest bump in virtual reality 's long and winding road from research projects to store shelves .

  24. 去年年末,贝宝宣布达成了一项交易,可让购物者在其700多万家可使用Discover购物卡的合作实体店用贝宝账户付款。

    PayPal announced a deal late last year that will allow shoppers to pay using their PayPal accounts at any one of the 7 million-plus brick-and-mortar stores that take discover ( DFS ) , for instance .

  25. 温布拉德称,Wrapp和Groupon一样,会让网民们走进实体店。

    Like Groupon , wrapp will drive online denizens to brick-and-mortar stores , says winbladh .

  26. 实体店已是明日黄花例如您无法步入Amazon但培养、支持并回报忠实客户依旧重要。

    A physical locale may be a thing of the past you can 't walk into Amazon , for instance but fostering , bolstering , and rewarding customer loyalty is no less important .

  27. 弗吉尼亚州SaxonShoes老板、美国国家鞋类零售商协会(NationalShoeRetailersAssociation)理事加里•韦纳(GaryWeiner)表示,鞋类商店“非常担心”在实体店试穿、然后在网上购买的行为。

    Gary Weiner , owner of Saxon Shoes in Virginia and a board member of the National Shoe Retailers Association in the US , said shoe-sellers were " very concerned " about fit-lifting .

  28. 销售多个品牌奢侈品的零售企业奈曼-马库斯(NeimanMarcus),计划以电子商务方式进军中国,而不打算在那里建立传统的实体店。

    Neiman Marcus , the US multi-brand luxury retailer , plans to enter China via e-commerce rather than traditional bricks-and-mortar .

  29. 亚马逊先前一直对于这种商业模式在物流运输方面的服务进行试验:一种是在西雅图、加利福尼亚的南北部和纽约市里推出的AmazonFresh,承担实体店的所有货运服务;

    It 's already tested the business with two services where it takes care of the delivery : the company 's Amazon Fresh offers full-service grocery delivery in Seattle , southern and northern California and New York City .

  30. 今天,全球最大的图书商,Amazon,正是一家软件公司-其核心竞争力在于不可思议的强大软件引擎,支持几乎所有物品的线上销售,并且没有一家线下实体店。

    Today , the world 's largest bookseller , Amazon , is a software company & its core capability is its amazing software engine for selling virtually everything online , no retail stores necessary .