
  • 网络positive analysis;positive economics;The empirical analysis;Analysis
  1. 福建省进出口和GDP关系的实证分析

    Positive Analysis of the Relationship between Import-Export and GDP of Fujian Province

  2. WTO农业协定对主要成员农产品贸易影响的实证分析

    Positive Analysis of Impacts of WTO Agricultural Agreement on Agricultural Trade of Major Members of WTO

  3. ValueAtRisk模型及其在香港股市中的实证分析

    Value at Risk Models and the Empirical Analysis of Hong Kong Stock Market

  4. 加入WTO以来中国制造业国际竞争力的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on International Competitiveness of China Manufacturing since WTO Accession

  5. 市场结构、产权结构与RD中国制造业的实证分析

    Market Structure , Ownership Structure and R D An Empirical Study on Chinese Manufacturing Industry

  6. 固定资产投资预测的Logistic模型及实证分析

    Logistic Model and Positive Research for Investment in Fixed Assets

  7. 加入WTO前后我国水产品出口变化及其影响因素的实证分析

    Change and Factors Affecting China 's Aquatic Product Export : Before and After Entering into the WTO

  8. 研究结果表明:I.台湾农业国际竞争力变动的实证分析

    Positive Analysis of International Competitiveness Variation of Taiwan 's Agriculture

  9. RD投入、人力资源开发与跨国公司RD投资来自省际数据的实证分析

    R D Input , Human Resource Development and TNCs ' R D Investment An Empirical Analysis Based on Panel Data

  10. 我国税收政策对FDI组织形式影响的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of the Influence of the Tax Policy on the FDI Forms in China

  11. 原始股东持股比例对IPO价值影响的实证分析

    The Effect of Proportion of Ownership Right Retained by Initial Shareholders on the IPO Value

  12. 技术效率、技术进步与生产率增长:基于DEA的实证分析

    Technical Efficiency , Technical Progress & Productivity Growth : An Empirical Analysis Based on DEA

  13. 中国保险业DEA效率实证分析

    DEA efficiency analysis of Chinese insurance companies

  14. 初探绿色GDP核算方法及实证分析&以山西省大同市为例

    An Elementary Discussion and Analysis of Green GDP Calculation Methods & A Case Study of Datong City in Shanxi Province

  15. 新经济地理学视角下的FDI区位选择&基于中国省际面板数据的实证分析

    The Selection According to the New Economic Geography of FDI Regions : A Case Study Based on China 's Inter-provincial Panel Data

  16. 文章通过对新疆1990-2005年GDP与外贸依存度的相关数据作一实证分析,揭示了其内在联系。

    This paper reveals the inherent links between the GDP of Xinjiang and the Dependence Ratio of Trade by making a positive analysis about the relevant data of 1990-2005 .

  17. 采用理论分析和实证分析相结合的研究方法对基于IE精神的企业创新网络进行研究。

    In the paper , the thought of innovation network of enterprise based on the IE entrepreneurship has been analyzed through theoretical and demonstrational analysis method .

  18. 然后利用EMM法实证分析了常用的连续时间的单因子和两因子短期利率模型。

    By the EMM approach , continuous-time interest rate models are estimated and tested .

  19. 首先,本文的第一部分对已有的信用风险评价模型及相应的实证分析进行了综述,并在比较几类模型的优缺点以及结合我国实际情况的基础上选择Logistic回归模型。

    In chapter one , we analyzed the existing credit risk model and corresponding positive research , and choose Logistic regression model on the basis of comparing the several kinds of models .

  20. 文章选择欧洲经济与货币联盟(EMU)中五个代表性国家德国、法国、荷兰、比利时、西班牙,对其进行了区域经济一体化条件下国家财政政策绩效实证分析。

    The article select 5 representative national of Economic & Monetary union ( EMU ) , including Germany Spain , France , Netherlands .

  21. 从理论和实证分析,M2增长与国内生产总值增长和物价增长密切相关,M2增长对GDP增长具有能动作用。

    From the theoretical and empirical analysis , the growth of M_2 is closely related to the growth of GDP , which has a positive effect on the growth of GDP .

  22. 通过实证分析,得出根据VaR方法计算风险值确定的交易保证金比例能及时反映期货市场价格风险的变动情况。

    Through demonstration we can conclude that the ration set accord VaR method can reflect price changes timely , so futures exchanges can adopt VaR method to control risk validly in theoretical .

  23. 采用线性回归及F检验,对我国上市公司当前股票期权及其涉及的会计处理和披露问题进行实证分析,并提出了会计处理方法的改进设想;

    Using the linearity recursion and F test method , the paper makes positive investigation analysis about the accounting and disclosure problems of stock option plan in listed companies and then proposes the betterment of the stock option accounting process ;

  24. 通过上海股价周收盘指数的时变Hurst指数的实证分析,时变指数的引入比原来常数指数对于投资决策来说具有更好的指导作用。

    Week-index analysis of Shanghai Stock Market is taken as a real example . Varying-time Hurst index is of better guidance than constant Hurst index for investment strategies .

  25. 然后,将该方法应用于保险数据进行实证分析,得到了GPD模型的参数、高分位数和可能的最大损失的估计值。

    The empirical study illuminates that GPD outperforms parametric fits and allowes the actuary to easily estimate high quantiles and the probable maximum loss from the data .

  26. 笔者试图对近10多年来中国FDI的经营方式变化情况及其效果进行实证分析,以期求解问题的答案,并据之为中国今后合理发展FDI提供理论支持和政策建议。

    This paper analyzes the changes in FDI operation method in China and their effect in the last over 10 years to seek solutions to the problems . Depending on this , the study will provide theoretical support and policy suggestions for China to develop FDI reasonably .

  27. 通过比较国外各种MBS定价的方法,根据我国的具体情况,运用蒙特卡罗模拟法,对我国的住房抵押贷款证券化产品进行实证分析,建立自己的测算模型。

    This paper compares various foreign MBS pricing method . Based on the specific conditions in China , the Monte Carlo simulation method is employed for studying the housing mortgage loan securitization products and establishing its own model .

  28. 第五章马实证分析,以某公司马个案,通过实地采访和问卷调查收集资料,对CRM中各种因素之间作用机制,运用SPSS软体进行实证分析,对有关假设进行检验。

    Chapter 5 provides demonstration analysis by taking some companies as examples to collect data by interviews and questionnaires and use SPSS software for the case study analysis on the mechanism between factors in the CRM , and carry out the examination on related assumption .

  29. 然后再用此方法首次对Bierley跟驰模型产生的微观仿真交通流和微观实测车流的时间序列进行实证分析。

    Secondly , time series of microcosmic simulation traffic flows generated by Bierley model and real vehicle flow are first researched with it .

  30. 本文试图利用净资产收益率(ROE)指标对我国上市公司的会计信息披露违规行为进行实证分析,旨在规范我国上市公司的会计信息披露。

    This paper empirically analyzes the public companies'behavior of illegal disclosure of accounting information in China , Using the ROE and the purpose of this paper is to standardize the accounting information disclosure of public companies in China .