
shí jì shōu rù
  • real income
  1. 此外,它能显著地增加未来的最终消费品生产,以及全部经济主体的实际收入。

    Furthermore , it can also significantly increase , in the future , the final production of consumer goods and the real income of all economic agents .

  2. 实际收入的减少,股价和房价的下挫以及日趋紧张的信贷,皆为居民消费(consumerspending)蒙上了一层阴影(castacloudover)。

    Falling real income , slumping share and house prices and tighter credit all cast a cloud over consumer spending .

  3. 因为实际收入下降和育儿成本上升而在经济上捉襟见肘的家庭越来越依赖于奶奶保姆的大方来帮助他们。

    Families squeezed by falling real incomes and rising childcare costs are increasingly relying on the generosity1 of ' granny nannies ' to help them out .

  4. 最后,它将不得不遭遇GDP和实际收入的大幅下降。

    It would , finally , suffer huge falls in GDP and real incomes .

  5. bis给出了四个办法:偿还、违约、提高实际收入和通胀。

    The BIS notes four answers : repayment ; default ; higher real incomes ; and inflation .

  6. 该数据每月由美国劳工统计局(bureauoflaborstatistics)公布,追踪美国中产阶级实际收入由此可判断其生活水准的变化。

    It is published every month by the Federal Bureau of labor statistics . It tracks changes in the real earnings and thus the living standards of Middle America .

  7. 研究报告的作者朱迪丝•尼许斯(JudithNiehues)利用经济数据,并在每个国家对大约1000人进行调查,比较了美国和23个欧盟(EU)国家的实际收入水平和本国人认为的收入水平。

    Author Judith Niehues compared actual and perceived income levels in the US and 23 EU countries , using economic data and polling of about 1000 people in each country .

  8. 在普京前两个任期内,俄罗斯人习惯了生活水平突飞猛进的提高,根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的数据,从1999年至2009年,该国实际收入增长142%。

    Throughout the first two Putin terms , Russians became used to their living standards increasing by leaps and bounds – real incomes rose 142 per cent between 1999 and 2009 , according to International Monetary Fund data .

  9. 经纪公司里昂证券(clsa)驻上海的安迪罗斯曼(andyrothman)表示,去年,中国70个城市的平均房价上涨近8%,而城市居民实际收入则增长了12%。

    According to Andy Rothman at brokerage CLSA in Shanghai , the average price of houses in 70 cities rose nearly 8 per cent last year , while real urban incomes accelerated by 12 per cent .

  10. 诺德豪斯表示,CPI中有五分之二的计算几乎无用。他推测,每年实际收入和生产率的增长比官方数据所显示的快了0.5%-1.4%,这是一个潜在的巨大错误。

    He says that two-fifths of the calculations within the CPI are virtually useless , and his guess is that real incomes and productivity have been growing at 0.5-1.4 per cent per annum faster than shown in the official data & a huge potential error .

  11. 与此同时,有15个经合组织成员国其平均收入者的实际收入下降了。

    Meanwhile real incomes for average-wages earners fell in15 OECD countries .

  12. 美国男性实际收入中值从1975年以来就没有增长过。

    Median male real US earnings have not risen since 1975 .

  13. 按你实际收入的百分比缴费。

    By you the per cent capture of net is expended .

  14. 由于物价飞涨,他们实际收入正进一步下降。

    With soaring prices , their real income is further dropping .

  15. 由于物价和工资同时上涨,实际收入并没有变。

    Both prices and wages are rising , leaving real wages unchanged .

  16. 就业、工业产出和实际收入都在下降。

    Employment , industrial production and real incomes are declining .

  17. 他用该词指人均实际收入的累计增长。

    By this he meant cumulative rises in real incomes per head .

  18. 就业增长放缓和不断上升的失业率也会波击到实际收入。

    Slower employment growth and rising unemployment will also hit real incomes .

  19. 抛开通胀因素,实际收入也随着时间而增长。

    Inflation apart , real incomes rise over time .

  20. 实际收入超过核定概数的溢额;

    Excess of actual income over the approved estimates ;

  21. 我国地区之间实际收入差距小于名义收入差距&加入地区间价格差异后的一项研究

    Compare for The Real and Nominal Income Disparity Among Different Regions in China

  22. 人均实际收入的持续增长已经彻底改变了我们的经济生活。

    Consistent rises in real incomes per head have transformed our economic lives .

  23. 居民实际收入的强劲增长,将有助于刺激消费。

    Real wages have been rising strongly , which should help boost consumption .

  24. 非劳动收入是对私营企业主等新的社会阶层合法收入的新概括,比“资本剥削”更合理更科学地说明了他们的实际收入。

    It is reasonable and scientific to explain them income comparing to capital exploitation .

  25. 这奸像减税一样,提高了实际收入和利润。

    This has acted like a tax cut , boosting real incomes and profits .

  26. 外科系医务人员的实际收入和期望收入均高于内科系医务人员。

    The actual and expected incomes of surgeon were higher than those of physicians .

  27. 与此同时,剩余99%人群的实际收入没有出现任何增长。

    Meanwhile , real incomes did not budge for the remaining 99 per cent .

  28. 也有可能是另外一个原因,那就是贫民实际收入的增长超过了官方的统计数据。

    It is also possible that real incomes increased more than the official statistics suggest .

  29. 这于油价变化造成实际收入变化对消费支出的影响不同。

    It is just the opposite with changes in real income because of petrol prices .

  30. 若果真如此,就无法通过提高实际收入来减轻债务负担。

    If so , this would preclude lowering the debt overhang via higher real incomes .