
shí zhènɡ fǎ
  • empirical method;evidential investigation
  1. 本文主要采用了图表法、统计法、比较法、实证法及与定性相结合的研究方法。

    This paper mainly adopts chart law , statistics , comparison , and empirical method combining with the qualitative method .

  2. 本研究主要采用文献法和实证法相结合的研究方法,前者主要为本文提供理论支撑,后者主要通过问卷调查收集数据并使用SPSS软件进行统计分析,并以此来论证基于理论归纳而提出的假设。

    The former serves to provide theoretical supplies , and the latter works through SPSS statistical analyses on the data collected by questionnaire , and then demonstrates the hypothesis based on theoretical induction .

  3. 本文以C高职院校为例,从分析预算管理方法等问题入手,应用实证法对C高职院校预算管理的现状及存在的问题进行分析,并针对性提出优化措施与建议。

    For C higher vocational colleges as example , the paper starts with the analysis of budget management methods , uses positive law to analyze the current situation and existing problems of the budget management of the C-vocational colleges , and targeted measures and recommendations are proposed .

  4. 本文结合一起案例,从实证法的角度谈出票行为无效和票据无效的关系问题。

    Using a case , this paper analyzes problems related to invalid billing and invalid bills .

  5. 该部分从理论与实证法的规定两方面对比例原则的发展脉络进行了概括介绍。

    It explains generally the development of proportional principle from theory and the stipulation of substantial law aspects .

  6. 体现在被合法认可的各种建制中的实证法,自身具有一种规范力量。

    Positive law , embedded in institutions with legal sanctions , has a normative force on its own .

  7. 本文主要研究经济新闻评论的决策参考功能,研究方法为归纳法和实证法。

    The thesis major researched the decision-making reference function of economic news comment , with the induction and demonstration method .

  8. 在研究方法上,本文综合应用了文献调查方法、逻辑推理方法、归纳总结法和实证法。

    The thesis assumes these research methods : document investigation method , logical deduction method , generalization method and demonstration method .

  9. 实证法的考察表明,过错因素在物权请求权的成立及内容方面都起到了重要作用,有时甚至是不可或缺的。

    The fault element has played an important role in the establishment and the contents of the claims of real right .

  10. 人格权不是实证法上的权利,而是人之为人的本质属性在民法上的反映与保护。

    Personal rights do not belong to the rights in positive law , but the nature of human being reflected in civil law .

  11. 本文主要运用比较法、实证法、图示法等分析方法,将实证分析与规范分析相结合。

    This thesis puts equivalent emphasis on positive analysis and normative analysis with many charts and figures , the method of comparison used also .

  12. 该研究在文献研究和访谈的基础上,采用实证法编制了青少年个性素质问卷,并对其信度和效度进行了检验。

    On the basis of literature study and interview , we developed and validated the personality diathesis questionnaire for adolescent and its psychometric indexes .

  13. 本文采用文献分析法和实证法对公共图书馆的效率问题及影响因素进行了定性阐述和定量分析。

    Empirical method and literature analysis method are used in the paper for qualitative and quantitative analysis of public library efficiency and influencing factors .

  14. 实证法是实证会计理论的研究方法,实证会计理论和规范会计理论是两种基本的会计理论。

    Positive approach is the research method of positive accounting theory , and positive accounting theory and normative accounting theory are the two basic accounting theories .

  15. 而西方学者讨论的所谓的法律的道德性问题完全不同,概括起来是自然法和实证法的冲突问题。

    Therefore , occidental scholars discussed so-called legal ethicality question in a totally different aspect which considered generally the conflict between natural law and positive law .

  16. 实证法对于动力学特性难以描述的交通设施来说,是一个非常有效又具有可操作性且有一定精度的分析方法。

    Empirical analysis is very effective , workable and also precise to describe the dynamics characteristic of traffic facilities , which is very difficult for other methods .

  17. 会计科研实证法是指通过提出假设、收集数据、建立模型、统计分析,然后得出数量化结论的一种会计研究方法。

    The positivist approach to accounting research is an approach to reach a quantitative conclusion through proposing hypotheses , collecting data , establishing models and analyzing statistics .

  18. 同样,新自然法不过是对19世纪以来过于强调实证法而忽略法的内在价值的一种矫正,是传统实证分析法学和古典自然法学的一个折衷。

    Similarly , Neo-Naturalism just intends to rectify classical positivistic analytics from ignoring the intrinsic value of law and is a compromise between classical positivistic analytics and classical natural law .

  19. 分别叙述了这两种理论的产生和主要代表人物,着重讲述了这两种理论是如何解决实证法的上述困境的。

    Described respectively the emergence of these two theories and the main representative , focus on the story of these two theories is how to solve the Man-made Law of this dilemma .

  20. 在法学史上,自然法学派和分析实证法学派的划分,主要在于他们在法律和道德关系问题上观点的对立。

    In jurisprudence history , the classification of the natural law school and the analytic positive law school is mainly based on their antagonistic views upon the relations between law and morality .

  21. 文章认为信任、信赖、信仰的含义不同,生成机制也有差异。中国语境中的法律信仰,其实质是指对实证法的信任与信赖。

    By distinguishing the three different concepts of trust , dependence and faith , this paper analyzes the essence of faith in law and probes into the mechanism of formation of trust and dependence .

  22. 本文采用实证法。对中小企业如何利用公共关系开展品牌营销进行了研究。

    The text thereof researches , through application of the positive law , the questions on how to apply public relations for driving trademark marketing as far as the small & medium enterprises concerned .

  23. 基于场域理论和对话理论,笔者通过历史研究法、文献分析法、案例实证法等针对教学实际中的教师话语权丧失问题进行了初步的研究。

    Field theory and the theory of dialogue , through historical research , literature analysis , case studies and other methods for teaching practice in theteachers ' right to speak the loss of the preliminary study .

  24. 实证法学派认为,道德与法律没有必然联系,法律中不能有道德因素的参与,存在的只有实在法,而根本没有自然法这种东西。

    The school of positive jurisprudence believes that morality and law have no necessary connection . Morality factors cannot participate in law where only lies in positive law , but no such thing as natural law at all .

  25. 但是合同的意思理论也在出现为危机,因为合同效力来源逐渐走向了一种法定性,也就是说,是实证法本身赋予了合同以效力和约束力。

    But will theory of contract is also in the crisis . Source of validity of the contracts is becoming a legalism , in other word , it is law itself give the enforcement and validity of contract .

  26. 德国民法中的人被缩限为法律关系的权利主体,权利能力则成为了人为人的实证法表达,从而实现了对人格的某个方面功能的替代。

    Person is contracted as the subjects of legal relation in it , and the ability of right becomes a kind of expression of positive law that person is person , which realizes the substitution of some function of personality .

  27. 同时,法人民事权利能力是一个实证法上的概念,在实定法中具有抽象平等性、不可转让性与不可放弃性、取得的非自然性和财产法属性居于主导等特征。

    Meanwhile , corporation civil right capability is a concept of positive law , and has the characteristics of the abstract equality , not conversion and not abandonment , getting the non naturalness and the only possessing property law attribute .

  28. 本文采用比较法、实证法和文献法,结合最新的全球金融控股公司发展动态,对中国金融控股公司监管提出了自己的观点。

    This paper has used comparative method , example method and literature method . Combined with the latest development in global financial holding companies , I put forward my own point of view on financial holding company regulation of China .

  29. 同时对国内学者的主张、我国实证法的规定以及司法实践中法院的判决做归类总结,以便读者对人格权财产利益保护有一概括性的了解。

    Meanwhile on the domestic scholars argued that the provisions of positive law and judicial practice in the classified summary of the Court choose to do for readers to protect the property interests of the right of personality have a general understanding .

  30. 宪法关于公民的基本义务的规定既为我们研究基本义务提供了丰富的实证法上的研究资源,同时也对宪法学提出了对基本义务进行理论研究的要求。

    The regulations on fundamental duties of citizens in the Constitution not only have supplied sufficient research resources concerning positive law for us to study the fundamental duties , meanwhile , have also made a requirement to constitution for a theoretical research on the fundamental duties .