
  • 网络communities of practice;practicing community
  1. 投资实践社区可以使我们的组织变得Agile,并且可以对我们客户的需求作出回应。

    Investing in Communities of Practice allows our organization to be Agile and respond to the needs of our customers .

  2. Wenger描述了建立实践社区的三个关键组件。

    Wenger describes three critical components to establishing Communities of Practice .

  3. 例如,最近用于商业领域的实践社区(CommunityofPractice)做法对于快速解决难题、传播最佳经验、开发专业技能等方面发挥了重要作用。

    For instance , the Community of Practice in the business world has played an important role in rapidly solving problems , diffusing best practices and developing special skills .

  4. 创建敏捷实践社区(CoP)的志愿者们在该组织的建立过程之中也应用了敏捷实践。

    The group of volunteers who created the Agile Community of Practice ( CoP ) applied agile practices to the work of creating the organization .

  5. 按照EtienneWenger(一位公认的实践社区专家)的观点,实践社区

    According to Etienne Wenger ( a recognized expert on Communities of Practice ), Communities of Practice

  6. 全国许多地区在积极实践社区卫生服务机构绩效考核。

    Many regions are actively practicing performance evaluation for CHS institutions .

  7. 在医学职业中会发现一些实践社区优秀案例。

    Excellent examples of Communities of Practice are found in the medical profession .

  8. 一个实践社区的会员就是实践者。

    Members of a Community of Practice are practitioners .

  9. 实践社区中的技术角色

    The role of technology in Communities of Practice

  10. 实践社区(communitiesofpractice)是有共同知识和经验的一群人的集合。

    Communities of practice are groups of people who have practice and knowledge in common .

  11. 实践社区成员的自我效能感对知识传播过程和效果的影响

    The Influence of Self-efficacy of Members of Practice Communities on Knowledge Transmission Process and Effect

  12. 利用实践社区为新雇员提供一个下文有定义的程序。

    Working with the Communities of Practice to provide a ramp-up program for new hires .

  13. 从一定意义上讲,中国是实践社区警务最早的国家。

    In a sense , the China is the earliest country for practicing the community police .

  14. 这种支持可能包括借助社会媒体将参赛者联成一体,进而建立一个规模更大的实践社区。

    Such support might include connecting participants through social media to build a larger community of practice .

  15. 他的职责包括产品管理,实践社区和市场工程。

    His roles have been involved with product management , communities of practice , and market engineering .

  16. 实践社区对企业隐性知识的共享与创新具有十分重要的价值。

    Communities of Practice ( COP ) are of very important value to the tacit knowledge share in enterprise .

  17. 一个实践社区不仅仅是朋友俱乐部或者人们联络的一个网络。

    A Community of Practice is not merely a club of friends or a network of connections between people .

  18. 信息与交流技术的发展,使得更多与实践社区相似、以电脑为基础的社会网络被建立起来。

    With the development of information and communication technology , more similar to practice and computer-based social networks are established .

  19. 像大多数实践社区一样,会员分布在世界各地;并由多个隔墙或者过道隔开。

    Like most Communities of Practice , members are geographically dispersed ; disconnected by more than a cubicle wall or a hallway .

  20. 实践社区的非正式性,使其成为实现企业知识共享与创新的最佳组织形式。

    Community of Practice ( CoP ) is an informal organization that makes it becomes the best organization form for knowledge sharing and innovation in enterprise .

  21. 在线异质的实践社区则可以通过交流和材料的组织而促进不同知识背景的参与者知识共享,并且创造新的知识。

    Online Community of Practice has been proposed as a way to facilitate interdisciplinary knowledge sharing and knowledge creating by allowing conversation and organization of material .

  22. 利用正确的领导和支持结构,实践社区是能够使联络更容易的主要机制。

    With the right leadership and supporting infrastructure , Communities of Practice are a primary mechanism to make it easier for these connections to take place .

  23. 虽然实践社区是非正式组织,但是我们将它作为我们技术支持和业务基础,对这种模式进行了投资。

    While Communities of Practice are informal organizations , we have made an investment in this model as a foundational component of our technical enablement and our business .

  24. 实践社区作为一种共享和组织知识的机制,对于信息机构的改革和发展非常重要。

    And the communities of practice ( CoP ), being as a knowledge sharing and organizing mechanism , is very important for the reform and development of the information institutions .

  25. 既然学习包括了知识的条文化和获取、技能、策略、态度和行为,如上所述的知识管理、信息的条文化和实践社区都将在学习中应用。

    These related concepts-knowledge management , codification and communities of practice-are applicable to learning , since learning involves acquisition and modification of knowledge , skills , strategies , attitudes and behaviors .

  26. 然而,在企业实践社区知识共享的过程中会遇到许多障碍;同时,如何有效构建企业实践社区知识共享保障机制,已成为企业知识管理的难题。

    However , there are lots of obstacles in the process of knowledge sharing in enterprise CoP , meanwhile constructing knowledge sharing mechanism in CoP becomes a problem in enterprise knowledge management .

  27. 本文首先从信息行为、网络环境下的非正式交流、实践社区等角度讨论跨学科知识共享的途径。

    This dissertation discusses the approach of interdisciplinary knowledge sharing from the angle of information behavior , informal communication in network environment , and community of practice . Interdisciplinary collaboration can be viewed as a information behavior .

  28. 论述了实践社区与企业的创新团队之间的关系,从8个方面将实践社区与创新团队进行了分析比较,在此基础上提出了一个实践社区的知识创新机制模型。

    This paper expounds the relation between the commodity of practice and the innovative team of enterprise , compares the commodity of practice with the innovative team from eight aspects , and based on this , advances the knowledge innovation system model of the commodity of practice .

  29. GCIO:一个为业务分析师和IT最终用户提供促进和实现可持续的流程实践的社区。

    GCIO : A community of business analysts and IT end-users dedicated to promoting and implementing sustainable business practices .

  30. 经过对这些资料进行梳理和分析,探讨了音乐实践在社区建设中的文化意义。

    After combing these data and analysis of the music practice in community building and cultural significance .