
  • 网络Actual Production Capacity;Actual Capacity;Practical capacity
  1. 我们按现行价格和实际生产能力进行估算。

    We do some calculation on the basis of current price and actual production capacity .

  2. 并根据试生产情况,对可能达到的实际生产能力进行了初步的计算和探讨。

    And the actual production capacity that might reach according to the test running condition has been carried on preliminary calculation and discussion .

  3. 目前我国的二苯胺生产能力约为10000t/a,因一部分生产厂处于停产或半停产状态,1999年的实际生产能力约为8000t/a,产量约为5500t,1999年二苯胺市场供需基本平衡。

    Because some producers stopped or half-stopped production the actual capacity was 8000 t / a and output was 5500 t / a in 1999 . The demand of diphenylamine was basically balanced with supply in 1999 .

  4. 注:实际生产能力与物料性质和分离要求有关。

    Note : The practical production capacity is related with the nature of feedstock and separation requirements .

  5. 政府应该出台支持企业从贷款到税收的各种优惠措施,促使无形资产尽早转化为企业的实际生产能力。

    Firstly , government should introduce all kinds of preferential policy , prompt intangible change to be reality manufacture ability .

  6. 目前国内抗静电剂需求量至少达到5000t/a,而实际生产能力不到3000t/a。

    At present , the demand on antistatic agents in China is reached 5000t / a at least with actual throughput of only 3000t / a.

  7. 根据研究结果,把该区20口生产井按实际生产能力与设计方案的关系分成了3类:超过设计方案的井、达不到设计要求的井和与设计相符的井。

    Based on the results , the total 20 production wells should be classified into 3 types , the wells are of that actual production capacity exceed , under , and match with the designed project .

  8. 通过新增一套液化石油气裂解原料储运设施工艺系统的优化设计,提高了上海石化2乙烯装置实际生产能力,并减少了裂解原料单耗和乙烯装置能耗。

    Through the new project of optimized design for process system of LPG crack raw material storage and handling facilities the actual capacity of 2 # ethylene plant is increased and energy consumption for crack raw material consumption and for ethylene plant is reduced .

  9. 最后对实际码头当前的生产能力和未来扩建后的生产能力做了仿真实验分析,指出码头潜在的作业瓶颈。为生产实际提供了决策基础。

    At last the model is used to analyze the present productivity of an actual Container Terminal and the bottleneck of its logistics system after the terminal is expanded , and provides the decision support for the terminal .