
  • 网络Design Production Capacity;design capacity
  1. 在本方案中,所确定的项目产品为有机钴盐类橡胶粘合促进剂,项目装置设计生产能力为年产500吨。

    In this plan , the definite project product is cobalt salt rubber adhesive promoter , and the apparatus design production capacity is 500 ton every year .

  2. 对整套铜冶炼烟气制酸系统进行技术改造,硫酸设计生产能力由原来的375kt/a提高到459kt/a。

    Transformation was performed of a sulphuric acid plant based on copper off gas to increase the design capacity of sulphur acid plant from 375kt / a to 459kt / a.

  3. 仪化公司现有的直接纺涤纶短纤维生产线是80年代初建成投产,单线设计生产能力为50t/d,经过多年增容改造,生产能力已达60t/d。

    The staple fiber lines of the company have set up at the beginning of 80 's , the design throughput of the single line is 50 t / d , the actual throughput of the single line already increased to 60 t / d by reforming for years .

  4. 通过试运行,设备状况良好,基本达到设计生产能力。

    By tring out for two month , the equipment operat good , to achieve designed production capability .

  5. 可按照用户要求铸造各种金属材质的毛坯件,加工各类成品部件。设计生产能力1000T/年。

    We can cast various metal material parts and finished parts according to customers'requirement with design throughput of1000T annually .

  6. 卷材制备流水线设计生产能力100m~2/h,可连续运转。

    The assembly line has a production capacity of 100 m2 / h , and is capable of continuous operation .

  7. 如何以尽可能少的设备,通过优化配置来实现矿山的设计生产能力,这无论是对已开采的矿山还是对新建矿山,都是一个值得深入研究的问题。

    It is importance to a digging mine or a newly-built mine how to use mining machinery as less as possible to realize the design capacity of a mine by optimal fitting .

  8. 结果全市共有乡镇煤矿386座(矿井409个),乡镇煤矿年总设计生产能力为4134万吨,占全市生产能力的52.84%。乡镇煤矿从业人员当中原煤生产人员总数约2.5万人。

    Results There are 386 township coal mines in Datong , with a total design throughput of 41,340,000t / a ( 52.84 % of all coal mines ) and some 25,000 coal production miners .

  9. 然而,随着农村土地整理项目实施的日渐深入,绩效问题逐渐暴露:农村土地整理项目超概算,项目未能达到设计生产能力以及投入营运后处于亏损局面的情况时有发生。

    However , with the rural land consolidation project implementation gradually deepening , its performance problems also gradually exposed . Rural land consolidation project surpasses its estimate cost , can not reach designed productive capacity , and lose after putting into operation , such problems have occurred occasionally .

  10. 计算结果表明:当进口氨含量或惰气含量为调节参数时,氨产量均不能达到设计的生产能力;

    The calculation results show that the average daily ammonia output can 't reach the designed production capacity when adjusting the inlet ammonia content or inert gas content .

  11. 并以强大的设计和生产能力、独特的创意、最具竞争力的价格、完整的产品风格、卓越的品质、准时的货期、真诚的服务来赢得客户和市场。

    Integrates design , production , OEM service in integral whole , producing all kinds of men 's , women 's and children 's clothing , scarves , hats , etc woollen clothes .

  12. 介绍了德国焦化工业的发展历史,目前的科研、设计、生产能力及德国重要焦化公司和现代化焦化厂的概况。

    This paper introduces the history and current situation of coking industry in Germany , covering scientific research , design and production capacity with a survey of some major coking companies and modern plants thereof .

  13. 具备国内一流的强力压板精冲模具和精冲零件的设计开发和生产制造能力。

    Now we have the best designing and production capacity of fine blanking dies and parts in China .

  14. 这是我们有史以来最大的一个投资项目的成果。我们把1.25亿英镑投资于设计和开发、生产能力、销售网络和我们的员工。

    It is the result of the most ambitious investment in our company 's history -- 125 million pounds , in design and development , in production capabilities , in sales network and in our own people .

  15. 面向生产的设计(DFP)包括设计准则、生产能力分析和估算制造周期,它决定着一个新产品设计方案的制造对制造系统性能的影响程度。

    Design for production includes design guidelines , capacity analysis , and estimating manufacturing cycle . It determines the influence of the manufacturing of a new product design on the performance of the manufacturing system .

  16. 同时组建专业的设计队伍致力于产品设计,我们的生产能力目前已达到200000件每月,产品销往世界各地。

    Also we established a professional design team for better product design , now our production amounts to200,000 pieces each month , which are exported to all over the world .

  17. 本文叙述了一种专为永磁铁氧体烧成的辊道推板窑的设计,主要包括设备的技术要求、热工设计、生产能力计算及现场使用效果。

    The design of roller - push kiln used in ferroxdure firing is described .