
  • 网络Design aesthetics;Aesthetics in Design
  1. 您知道,功能比纯粹的设计美学更加重要。但设计也是每个Web应用程序中不可或缺的一部分。

    You know that functions are more important than pure design aesthetics , but design clearly is a part of every Web application .

  2. 论现代设计美学的价值特征与发展历程

    Discussion on Value Feature and Development Process of Modern Design Aesthetics

  3. 布里切特的设计美学受到了爱德华•塔夫特(EdwardTufte)等信息理论家的启发,塔夫特主张在图形设计里将无关的信息减少到最小程度。布里切特说他是根据人们在现实世界里移动物体的方式构思出应用程序的新功能的。

    Mr. Brichter , whose design aesthetic is inspired by information theorists like Edward Tufte , a proponent of minimizing extraneous information in graphic designs , says he thinks up new features for apps based on how people move objects in the real world .

  4. 唐代曲辕犁的设计美学分析

    The aesthetics analysis on the curved-plough 's design of Tang Dynasty

  5. 电视图像艺术,归属于设计美学范畴。

    TV frame art belongs to the category of design art .

  6. 天津滨海新区公共设施设计美学探讨

    On Art Design of Public Facilities of Tianjin Coastal New Area

  7. 艺术设计美学观系统架构探议

    Discussion of Constructing System of Aesthetic View on Art Design

  8. 设计美学的学科定位、研究对象和特点

    Subject Orientation , Research Object and Characteristic of Design Aesthetics

  9. 我的设计美学观&环境与生态建筑

    My Aesthetic Concept of Design , Environment and Ecological Building

  10. 中国传统美学对现代设计美学的影响

    The significance of Chinese Traditional Aesthetics to Modern Aesthetical Design

  11. 从设计美学角度,高跟鞋拥有完美的外形。

    Just from a design aesthetic , they have a wonderful shape .

  12. 中国传统幌子的设计美学研究

    Study on Design Aesthetics in Chinese Traditional Commercial Poster

  13. 现代设计美学产生的背景及原因

    On the Background and Reasons for the Birth of Modern Aesthetics in Design

  14. 建筑材料的计算机模拟及其对当代设计美学的影响

    Information of Building Materials ' Simulation and Its Impact on Contemporary Design Aesthetics

  15. 新的设计美学话语主题词探究

    Researching into the Key Words of New Design Esthetics

  16. 理性与浪漫的交织&北京奥林匹克公园的建筑设计美学思想

    Rationality and romantic interweaving & Beijing Olympics Park 's architectural design of esthetical thought

  17. 设计美学的研究方法&问题导入

    Research Methods of Design Aesthetics & Introducing Problems

  18. 设计美学涉及功能之美、学之美与技术之美。

    Design aesthetics involves in the function beauty , scientific beauty and technological beauty .

  19. 论设计美学中的人文价值

    On the Humane Value of Aesthetics in Design

  20. 建筑设计美学特点浅析

    Simply Analysis on Aesthetic Features of Architectural Design

  21. 笔记本电脑的艺术设计美学分析

    The Esthetics of Design on the Laptop

  22. 培养正确的设计美学观

    Educate the Right Design and Esthetics Idea

  23. 基于产品形态的设计美学研究

    Research Design Esthetics According to Product Shape

  24. 一只笔中的美学小宇宙&设计美学应用中的定义浅析

    A Micro-Universe of Esthetics in a Pen , Definition & Analysis of Designed Aesthetic Applications

  25. 艺术设计美学的中的功能主义评析

    Functional Analysis in Artistic Designing Aesthetics

  26. 设计美学的当代价值取向

    Contemporary Value Tropism of Design Aesthetics

  27. 谈设计美学中的幽默设计

    Design of Humour in Aesthetic Design

  28. 城市设计美学的研究框架

    Researching Framework on Urban Design Aesthetics

  29. 浅析现代设计美学的价值取向

    The value of Contemporary Design Aesthetics

  30. 包装装潢设计美学探微

    On Aesthetics of Package Design