
  • 网络Social Issues In Management;Management Science of Society
  1. 社会管理学的大学本科学位。

    An undergraduate degree in social administration .

  2. 构建和谐社会的管理学原理体系

    Management Principle System of Forming a Harmonious Society Harmony between Man and Nature

  3. 所以,从现代社会公共管理学发展现状来看,社会管理主体与网络虚拟社会的联动已经成为一种趋势,网络虚拟社会已经成为社会公共管理的第二客体。

    Therefore , form the development of current situation on Modern public management , social management of the main with the network of " virtual community " has become a trend , the network of " virtual community " has become the second object of public administration .

  4. 在QS的排名中,麦吉尔在人文,工程技术,生物科学与医学,自然科学以及社会科学与管理学当中排名前35之中。

    In the2010 QS rankings , McGill placed among the top35 schools in Arts Humanities , Engineering Technology , Life Sciences Medicine , Natural Sciences , and Social Sciences Management .

  5. 现代人本管理是自工业革命以来集哲学、经济学、社会学、管理学等于一体的西方文明的主要内容。

    Modern humanism-based management is the main content of western civilization integrated with the philosophy , economics , sociology and management science since the industrial revolution .

  6. 国际国内的学者从病理学、社会学、管理学的角度对校园暴力进行了详细的研究和分析,取得了重要的研究成果。

    Domestic and international scholar from pathology , sociology , management science perspective on campus violence carried out a detailed research and analysis , obtained important results .

  7. 门主打课程:地理,文学,数学,科学,音乐,体育,历史,艺术,社会学,管理学,西班牙语,法语。

    Main Subjects : Geography , Literacy , Math , Science , Music , P.E. , History , Art , Social Science , Business , Spanish , French .

  8. 综合运用当今社会学、管理学和系统学等思想、理论和方法逐步展开对国防技术创新的社会构建问题的分析与讨论。

    The ideas and approaches of sociology , management and systematology and other sciences are employed to address the problem of defense technology innovation in the light of social construction .

  9. 而现今国内学者对于住房保障以及廉租房制度的研究,主要还局限于经济学、社会学、管理学等层面,从法学角度对廉租房制度的研究,则较为零星且尚未形成体系。

    Many research of the low-rent housing system is from science of economics , sociology and management , but it is a lack of the research from the angle of jurisprudence .

  10. 对腐败问题的研究涉及到政治学、政策学、经济学、社会学、管理学、法学等多个学科,需要运用各个学科交叉融合的分析工具和研究成果来进行研究。

    It involves the science of politics , policy , economics , sociology , management and laws to study the problem of corruption by applying the multi-subject analyzing tools and research findings .

  11. 本文从中国电梯应急救援管理的现状入手,应用社会学、管理学、行政学等相关理论,采用查阅资料、比较研究、系统分析的方法来分析研究我国电梯应急救援管理的发展过程。

    We analyze the elevator emergency rescue management development process with applied sociology , management , administration and other relevant theories . Literature review , comparative study and systems analysis are proposed for the investigation .

  12. 近年来,复杂网络的研究受到了越来越广泛的关注,在计算机科学、物理学、生物学、数学乃至社会学和管理学等领域都产生了重大的意义和深远的影响。

    In recent years , complex networks attract more and more attentions . It has brought significant influence in many fields , such as computer science , physics , biology , mathematics , sociology and management .

  13. 对学生社区管理的研究有助于丰富社会学、管理学和高等教育学的理论,有助于构建新的关于学生社区管理的理论体系,对我国的学生住宿管理的发展有指导意义。

    Studying college student community management can enrich theory of sociology , management , and higher education , build new theory system of student community management , which will be significant for management of student residence in China .

  14. 企业形象理论的研究在其他学科诸如社会学、管理学、行为科学、社会心理学理论成果的支持下,取得了很大的进展。

    The research on corporation identity has got its great achievement with the helps of achievement and advanced views from some studies related to it such as sociology , management , behavior science , social psychology and so on .

  15. 腐败不仅局限于政治学领域,更涉及社会学、管理学等领域,进而学者们提出了组织腐败的概念,并将其分为组织中的个体腐败和腐败组织。

    It is not just happened in the field of political science , but also in sociology and management . Thus , the researchers developed the term of organization corruption , and divided it into corrupt individuals and corrupt organization .

  16. 本文就是围绕虚拟企业的发展及其对信任的需要,综合应用社会学、管理学、数学模型、博弈论及信息建模等多种理论工具研究了虚拟企业信任机制问题。

    This dissertation talks about Virtual enterprise 's trust mechanism . It tries to analyze requirement of trust in the development of Virtual enterprise through the sociology and some other theories and tools such as management , mathematics and information modeling .

  17. 从经济学、社会学、管理学角度,运用利益相关者理论、社会公民说、慈善投资理论,通过借鉴国内外专家学者对于企业社会责任的研究,明确企业社会责任的内涵、范围。

    This section , from economics , sociology , management perspective , clearly defines social responsibility form studying views of experts and scholars from home and abroad , with the use of stakeholder theory , social citizenship that charity investment theory .

  18. 历史街区保护是一个复杂的系统工程,涉及到历史学、城市规划学、建筑学、经济学、社会学、管理学、法学等多个学科,包含从理论到方法再到实践的各个层面。

    The conservation of historic districts is a complicated and systematic engineering , involving such disciplines as history , urban planning , architecture , economics , sociology , management , law , etc , including different phases from theory to methodology to practice .

  19. 论文的研究方法:为了获得上述的研究成果,在研究工具上,运用法学、社会学、管理学以及复杂的系统理论等多学科交叉进行理论推理,并采用多种实证研究方法进行检验与论证。

    Research method : In order to obtain the above results , the research tool , the use of law , sociology , management and complex systems theory and other interdisciplinary theoretical reasoning and empirical research methods using a variety of test and demonstration .

  20. 综合已有的激励理论,利用心理学、社会学、管理学、行为科学等研究成果,结合发电企业员工实际需要,提出了改进员工激励机制的目标和对策略。

    Based on the actual needs of the workers in the power plant , integrating with the theories of motivation , and adopting the research fruits of psychology , sociology , management science and behavior science , it presents the objectives and strategies to improve the personnel excitation system .

  21. 主要是从社会学和公共管理学的方面进行的研究。

    Mainly from sociology and public administration aspects of science research .

  22. 文献信息社会学是信息管理学的一门分支学科。

    Literature Information Sociology ( LIS ) is a subdiscipline of IMS .

  23. 关爱女孩行动的社会背景及其公共管理学分析

    Social Background of Cherishing Girls Action and the Analysis of Public Administration

  24. 在为社会服务中加强管理学学科建设

    On the Strengthening of Management Science Construction in the Course of Social Service

  25. 也谈社会药学与药事管理学

    Discussions on Social Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration

  26. 企业社会资本研究在管理学领域越来越受到重视。

    It is more and more important in study of enterprise social capital in management study .

  27. 食品安全问题其实是一个涉及多类学科的复杂问题,既包括经济学、社会学、公共管理学又包括化学、生物学等等。

    In fact , food industry is a subject covers economics , sociology , chemistry , biology and etc. .

  28. 不仅提高了经济效益和社会效益,使管理学上一个台阶,而且对提高检验质量和临床检验学的发展和创建现代化医院有很大的推进作用。

    It is not only increase the laboratory quality , and improve the laboratory development and drive the hospital 's modernization .

  29. 本文从政治学、政治社会学和公共管理学、公共政策学的角度研究城中村的治理问题。

    This thesis studies the governance issue of the village in the city from angles of politics , political society , public policy and public management .

  30. 本文的研究对象城市贫困问题涉及发展经济学、福利经济学、制度经济学、社会学、公共管理学等多门学科的研究内容。

    In this paper , the study on urban poverty concerns with developing economics , sociology , welfare economics , system economics , public management and many other subjects .