
  • 网络training
  1. 电工电子实训教学模式的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on Teaching Modes of Training in Electrics & Electronics

  2. 论艺术设计专业实训教学的质量保证

    Quality Control of Vocational Training Course in Art & Design

  3. 高职GPS定位测量课程实训教学探讨

    The Study of GPS Positioning Survey Practical Training Course in Higher Vocational Education

  4. 基于VR的GPS仿真实训教学系统的研究与设计

    VR-based Research and Design on GPS Simulation and Training System

  5. AVR单片机实训教学平台的构建与实践

    Construction and Practice of AVR SCM Practice Teaching Platform

  6. 在双证制流行的市场需求下,Z技师学院加大对实训教学的关注,进行实训楼建设。

    In the " double certificate system " popular market demand , Z technician institute strengthen the practice teaching and conduct training building construction .

  7. 印度NIIT课堂教学与实训教学

    NIIT Teaching in Classroom and Professional Practice

  8. 为了让学生学习和掌握现代控制知识,特利用现有的SXK-2005和可编程控制装置进行典型的中央空调控制系统的实训教学。

    In order to let the students learn and master the modern control knowledge , the typical central air-conditioning control system practical teaching was taken , using SXK-2005 and PLC .

  9. 高职高专院校基于就业导向的实习实训教学方法选择分析

    Based on Employment-oriented Vocational College internship analysis of practical teaching methods

  10. 社会体育专业实习实训教学模式的构建

    Construction of Practice and Training Teaching Modes for Social Sports Majors

  11. 对实训教学四步教学法的思考

    Reflection on the " Four-Step Teaching Method " in Practical Teaching

  12. 食品机械专业综合实训教学的创新与实践

    Innovation and Practice of Synthetical Practice-Training Teaching for Foodstuff Machanism Major

  13. 财经类院校实训教学研究

    Research on the Practical Skills Training in Finance and Economics Colleges

  14. 《机床控制》课程实训教学的优化设计及应用

    The Optimization and Application of Machine Tool Control Course Practical Teaching

  15. 实训教学是职业学校教学的重中之重。

    Practical teaching is very heavy for the vocational school teaching .

  16. 高职护理专业仿真实训教学体系的研究

    On Simulated-Training Teaching System of Nursing Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges

  17. 软件工程专业实训教学体系的构建与实践

    Construction and Practice of the Teaching System for Software Engineering Training

  18. 论医药高职高专实施开放式实验实训教学管理的必要性

    Discussion on the Necessity of Opening Experiment and Practical Teaching Management

  19. 对高职护理礼仪与人际沟通实训教学的探索

    Reach on High Vocational Nursing Etiquette and Interpersonal Communication Training Teaching

  20. 河南职业技术学院实训教学的改革与实践

    Henan Vocational and Technical College Practical Teaching Reform and Practice

  21. 文中主要探讨高职市场营销专业实训教学存在的问题及对策。

    This paper mainly discusses some problems and strategy thinking for them .

  22. 高校实训教学的虚拟现实技术研究

    The Virtual Reality Technology Research in the Teaching of College

  23. 基于情景实训教学的出境旅游领队快速培养模式

    A Fast Cultivation Mode of Tour Leaders Based On Situational Training Teaching

  24. 关于《护理学基础》实训教学的探讨

    The discussion on practical teaching experience in basic nursing teaching

  25. 会计实训教学存在的问题及对策研究

    Research on the Problems and Countermeasures in Practical Training Teaching of Accountancy

  26. 高职院校应用写作实训教学改革研究报告

    Research Report of Teaching Reform of Applied Writing Training of Vocational Institutes

  27. 基于工作过程的《建筑测量》实训教学实践

    Practical Teaching Practice of " Building Surveying " Based on Work Process

  28. 外贸英语专业实训教学研究

    Research on Practical Teaching for Foreign Trade English Major of Vocational Colleges

  29. 涉外警务教学方法改革&对实训教学方法的探讨

    Reform of teaching methods in foreign police-Explore to the practical teaching methods

  30. 技能实训教学规范制订的思考与实践

    Some Considerations and Practice about the Specification Stipulation of Skill Training Teaching