
  • 网络talent training;personnel training
  1. 加入WTO后石家庄紧缺人才培训渠道的研究

    On training urgently-needed personnel in Shijiazhuang after joining WTO

  2. 国家CAD应用工程协调指导小组把CAD技术人才培训工作放在先行一步的重要战略位置。

    The Coordinator Conduct Committee of National CAD Apply Engineering put the CAD technician training on an important position .

  3. 人力资源开发战略中重点论述了BGP企业职业设计、企业人才培训策略及业绩评估策略。

    In human Resource Strategy Enterprise Profession Design and Training Strategy have been applied .

  4. 文章的最后针对性的提出H担保公司顺利实施战略需要的保障措施,其中包括了基于风险防控的、人才培训制度建立、完善市场战略的保障措施。

    H The end of the article purposefully presents H guarantee companies smooth implementation strategies need to safeguard measures , including based on risk prevention and control , talent training system establishment , perfect market strategic safeguard measures .

  5. 在分析目前施工企业工程造价管理现状的基础上,阐述了加入WTO后施工企业工程造价管理改革措施中建立工程造价数据库及人才培训。

    Based on the current state of affairs of the engineering cost management of the construction enterprises , this article explains the engineering cost database and personnel training among the reform moves of the enginering cost management for the construction enterprises after China 's entry into WTO .

  6. 英语人才培训及运用情形。

    The training of English competency of staff and its allocation .

  7. 军队突发公共卫生事件应急处置人才培训的思考

    Consideration on Talent Training of Public Health Emergence Control in Army

  8. 中船重工集团企业人才培训模式研究

    The Research on the Training Modes of the Human Resources of CSIC

  9. 谈扩招后新馆员的人才培训

    Discussion on Talent Training of New Librarians Since Enrollment Expansion

  10. 湖北省民营体育企业三类人才培训策略研究

    Hubei Province Private Sports Enterprise " Three Talents " Training Strategy Research

  11. 供电公司管理层人才培训的需求分析

    Demand Analysis of Managerial Personnel Training of Electric Power Companies

  12. 奥运会保障急救护理人才培训的组织管理

    Organization and management of emergency care personnel training for the Olympic Games

  13. 知识环境下组织技术创新型人才培训机制探讨

    Research on Training Mechanism of Innovation Talents in Knowledge Environment

  14. 广东外向型企业管理人才培训问题

    An Inquiry into the Problems of Managerial Personnel Training for Export-Oriented Businesses

  15. 建立滨海新区技能型紧缺人才培训基地。

    To establish training base for tight skill-oriented talents in Binhai area .

  16. 如:宣传,人才培训,对艺术团体的资助。

    EG : Promotion , Education and training , Subsidies to local organizations .

  17. 认清就业形势,积极调整人才培训模式

    Clarify the situation of employment , actively adjust the pattern of cultivating talents

  18. 参谋人才培训网络课程的研发

    Development of Network Course for Training of Staff Personnel

  19. 蒙牛创新型人才培训与企业文化建设剖析

    An Analysis of The Talents Training and Corporate Culture Construction of Mengniu Group

  20. 浅谈国际大型体育赛事仪式及表演人才培训

    Ceremony and performing talent training in large-scale international tournaments

  21. 加强人才培训与学术交流。

    And personnel training and academic exchange be enhanced .

  22. 职业训练局着重的是人才培训和发展;

    The Vocational Training Council is geared towards human resources training and development ;

  23. 酒店人才培训工作面临的问题及对策

    Problems and Solutions Confronted by Hotel Talent Training

  24. 图书馆信息管理人才培训的对策

    Countermeasures of Information Management Talent Training in Libraries

  25. 湖北省青年人才培训的现状及对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures and Current Situation of Training of Youth Talent of Hubei Province

  26. 炼油设备领域高级专业技术人才培训课程设计

    On Training Course Designing of Senior Special Technician in the Field of Refining Equipment

  27. 大庆油田高级人才培训中心培训管理系统的设计与实现

    Training Management System Design and Implementation of Advanced Personnel Training Center of Daqing Oilfield

  28. 农业高校农村实用人才培训体系建设研究

    Research on the Establishment of Training System for Rural Talents in Higher Agricultural Education Institutes

  29. 技能型人才培训类图书的分类

    Classification of Skill Type Talents Training Books

  30. 少数民族骨干人才培训班英语课程体系的构建

    English Curriculum Design for Ethnic Master Candidates