
  • 网络Human risk;people risk;manufactured risk;human-made hazards;personal risk;personalrisk
  1. 吉登斯认为福利国家面临的风险是人为风险,福利国家的危机是风险管理危机,并非简单的财政危机。

    According to Anthony Giddens , the risk that the welfare state faces is manufactured risk , and the crisis that the welfare state faces is not simply financial crisis , but crisis of risk management .

  2. 第三部分介绍了目前信用卡业务中几种主要的风险形式冒用、透支、ATM非正常交易和人为风险,并论述了风险发生后的责任配置;

    Part 3 introduces several kinds of main risk forms existing in the business activity of credit card and discusses the commitment of responsibilities .

  3. CareerCast.com的出版人托尼??李(TonyLee)说,在一个充满各种自然和人为风险的世界,精算行业正蓬勃发展。

    In a world awash with risks of the natural and manmade variety , the profession is booming , says Tony Lee , publisher of CareerCast.com .

  4. 作者将企业人力资本投资风险分为非人为风险和人为风险两大类。

    Investment risks in enterprises ' humane capital are further classified as artificial and inartificial risks .

  5. 人为风险仍然只是在某程度上而已,有关之违规行为亦无关于体系的或制度的问题。

    The risk remains only to the extent of human error , but there was nothing systemic or institutional about the breach .

  6. 进一步,针对投标人为风险中性、风险寻求和风险厌恶三种情况进行了具体讨论。

    And we discuss this problem in detail in case of bidders are : risk neutral , risk aversion , and risk seeking .

  7. 我们在享受现代化科学技术给我们生活带来的便捷和安逸的同时,也感受到了威胁我们生命安全、生存环境的人为风险的不期而至。

    We enjoy a convenient and comfortable life modern science and technology brings to us , in the meantime , we feel unexpected manufactured risks to our lives , living environment .

  8. 在较宽松的假设基础上,建立证券投资基金的委托代理关系的激励契约模型,给出激励契约最优解的一阶条件,将模型推广到投资人为风险回避型的情况;

    Based on some more relaxed assumptions , an incentive contract model for the principal-agent relation of securities investment fund is proposed and the optimal conditions for the solution to the model are derived .

  9. 系统分析某一地区自然和人为风险诱因并采取预警预防对策可有效预防水运污染损害,需要长期给予关注并加强研究和投入。

    Systematic analyzing the nature and man-made risk causing factors and adopting alarming and protecting countermeasures can protect efficiently pollutions and damages during waterborne transportation , which need to pay a long term attention and to enhance researches and investments .

  10. 通过算例研究表明,由于自然风险转移和人为风险转移的作用,重要工程对防洪体系系统风险的贡献远比单独评估工程自身得到的风险小。

    Finally , through an example , the study shows that the systematic risk attributed to an important structure is much less than the risk of the stucture itself because of the natural risk transfer and the artificial risk transfer .

  11. 中国二板市场的风险特点主要体现在二板市场的外部风险与内部风险的关系、二板市场系统内固有风险与人为风险的关系上。

    The main features of the risk in China 's second board market lie in the relation between the outer risk and inner risk of the second board market , and the relation between the inherent risk and man-made risk in the second board market .

  12. 建立基于RFID技术的闭环控制系统,为运钞押运工作提供全面的风险控制手段,从而降低运钞押运工作中人为的风险,同时提高了工作效率。

    A closed-loop control system based on RFID can provide a comprehensive means for escort to reduce the human risk at the escort work , while improving efficiency .

  13. 基于SHEL模型的客滚运输人为因素风险研究

    Study on the risk of human factors in Ro / Ro transport based on the SHEL Model

  14. 为此采用FSA5个标准步序,针对这种影响进行了安全评估,探讨了人为因素风险分析和FSA从理论到实践应用的可行性。

    So the safety assessment aiming at these effects has been carried out by using the five standard procedures of FSA , and the feasibility of putting the theory into practice is explored , which is about human factor risk analysis and FSA .

  15. 海事预防中人为失误风险的量化评估

    Research upon quantitative evaluation of human error in maritime accident prevention

  16. 在人为因素风险分析基础上对该船船体有效生命期进行了预报。

    The available lifetime has been predicted based on human factor and risk analysis for the ship .

  17. 第三类是人为性风险,包括道德风险、心理风险、逆选择风险、从业人员素质风险。进而从中国保险制度与寿险经营风险;

    The third type is man-made risk , including the morals risk , psychological risk and so on .

  18. 在电算会计环境下,客观存在着物理因素风险、人为因素风险和网络因素风险。

    With computerized accounting system there exist risks of various types : physical , human , and network .

  19. 交通事故具备风险的本质特征,因为它是人为的风险,具有严重的后果并且是可以被规制的。

    Traffic accidents share the essential characteristics of risks which are human-related and have serious consequences which can be regulated .

  20. 公司法人制度是投资人为降低投资风险、谋求经济利益而借以实现其目标的工具。

    Corporate entity system is tool of investors to reduce risk and pursue interest .

  21. 自动操作可以使得测试更快而且可以重复进行,并帮助降低人为错误的风险。

    Automation allows for quicker and repeatable testing , and helps reduce the risk of human error .

  22. 过去几年的经验是,人为减少无风险资产的供给,会提振对风险资产的需求。

    The experience of the past few years is that artificial reduction of the supply of risk-free assets ignites demand for risky assets .

  23. 因此,疾病是一种天然的个人风险,车祸是人为的个人风险,新技术的影响,像脱氧核糖核酸的重新组合就是公共风险。

    Hence , disease is a natural private risk , automobile accidents are man-made private risks , and effects of new technologies like recombinant DNA are public risks .

  24. 传统的业绩评价指标以“会计利润”为基础,忽略了权益资本成本的确认与计量,而且存在人为操纵的风险,因而难以真实反映企业的经营业绩。

    Traditional evaluation criteria for managerial performance could hardly reflect the true situation of a business because they based on accounting profits , ignoring the measurement and recognition of equity capital cost , and had the risk of being manipulated .

  25. 这项预先在工厂设置好的内置式启动器提供超载保护,因而减少人为错误设置的风险,提高安全性。

    Factory preset , the built-in starters enable more reliable overload protection thereby reducing the risks of misadjustments by installation personnel and enhance its safety feature .

  26. 然而,我国业界目前普遍在该问题上存在着评价不规范,决策过于随意的缺点,人为增大了投资风险,不利于风险投资的顺利发展。

    However , There are general nonstandard evaluation and random decision on this question at present in the venture capital industry of our country , which increase the investment risk artificially , and does not benefit the smooth development of venture capital .

  27. 本课题利用单片机进行模型计算和数据采集,去除了人为操作的步骤,简化了测量的程序。(2)消除了人为引入误差的风险。

    The Single Chip Microcomputer is used to calculate the model and collect data , removed the work by people and simplified the process . ( 2 ) Cancelled risk of introducing noise by people .

  28. 而控制人为失误的关键是掌握人为失误的机理及寻找其可靠性量化的模型,从而为预防人为失误及降低人为风险提供理论依据。

    The key of controlling human errors is to know the underlying mechanism for making human errors , to find a model for the quantification of human reliability and therefore to provide a theoretical basis for controlling human errors and reducing risks caused by human actions .