
  • 网络Human capital management;human resources operation;Human Capital Operation
  1. 人力资本经营的财务分析

    Financial Analysis on Human Resources Operation

  2. 论青年人力资本经营内涵

    On the Running of the Youth Human Resources

  3. 信息社会,人力资本经营是资本经营的核心。

    In information society , human capital operations is the core in capital operations .

  4. 试论学校人力资本经营

    On the Manpower Capital Management in the School

  5. 员工人力资本经营的内容与策略

    Contents and Tactics of Personnel Capital Management

  6. 六是企业人力资本经营实证分析。

    The positive analysis of EHC operation .

  7. 人力资本经营理念、模型及其运行机制构建研究

    A Study on the Concept of Manpower Capital Management , Its Models and the Building Up of Its Operating Mechanism

  8. 最后指出提升大型集团企业核心能力的关键影响要素。2、大型集团企业核心能力提升的人力资本经营模式。

    Finally , it pointed out the key factors of large-scale conglomerate competition promotion and related evaluation guideline system . 2 .

  9. 高校应该确立人力资本经营理念、建立和完善人力资本价值引入机制、竞争机制、释放机制和监督机制。

    Institutions of higher education should establish management philosophy and perfect the mechanism of introduction , competence , release and supervision of human capital .

  10. 本文试图从人力资本经营的角度,探讨人力资本经营与中小型科技企业成长的内生性关系,并提出适应中小型科技制造企业人员管理的基本模式。

    This paper discusses the inner relationship between operation of human resources capital and enterprises and puts forward basic management codes that adapt to these enterprises .

  11. 从存量和增量两个角度分别论述了员工人力资本经营一个循环的具体内容和策略。

    From stock and flow respectively , this article argues on the practical contents and tactics of one circle in the operation of human capital of personnel .

  12. 五是企业人力资本经营效果评价。包括企业人力资本经营的投入成本与产出价值的计量以及企业人力资本经营效果的评价;

    The research of the evaluation of EHC operation effect , including the calculation of input cost and output value , and the evaluation of EHC operation effect ;

  13. 企业人力资本经营的本质在于,从人力资本的价值性、稀缺性和难以模仿性出发,不断增强企业人力资本的难以模仿和不可替代性,培育企业的核心竞争力和赢得持久的竞争优势。

    The essence of EHC operation is to strengthen the characteristic of human capital to difficult to imitate and not to be able be substituted and to culture the enterprise ' core competitive competence and acquire persistent competitive advantage .

  14. 对银行效率影响因素的回归结果反映出,银行资产质量、资源配置能力、人力资本、经营管理能力及产权结构等是影响我国银行业效率的主要因素。

    The main influencing factors of banking efficiency are asset quality , resource distribution , management and the quality of human resource .

  15. 重点论述了10种管理方式,即知识管理、人力资本管理、经营管理、效率效益管理、新医疗质量内涵管理、模糊管理、信息管理、形象管理、人本管理和医院文化管理。

    The paper is focused on 10 ways of management , namely , knowledge management , human resources management , operational management , efficiency and benefit management , new medical quality content management , fuzzy management , information management , image management , humanistic management , and hospital culture management .

  16. 人力资本所有者是企业经营风险的重要承担者。

    The owners of the human capital are the important risk-takers of the firm .

  17. 文章通过对人力资本产权与企业经营绩效的相关性分析得出,有效的人力资本产权是企业经营绩效的重要内生变量。

    The author analyzes the relationship between human capital right and enterprises ' performance , and the result shows that human capital right is an important variable to the enterprises ' performance .

  18. 农业高新技术企业的经营机制具有企业经营上的高风险性、人力资本的决定性、经营策略的阶段性、对信息的高度敏感性以及与农业、农户的密切相关性等特点。

    Operation mechanism of Hi-tech agricultural companies has such characteristics as high risk in operating , decisiveness of human capital , different stages of management strategy , high sensitiveness to information and the close correlation with agriculture and peasants , etc.

  19. 软件企业作为高技术企业的典型代表,凸显研究与开发(RD)人力资本价值,RD人力资本的投入在经营成本中占很大比重,连续、高效、敏捷的RD核心能力成为其生命线。

    The typical character of software enterprises is to highlight R D human capital value . The proportion of the R D human capital investment to the operation cost is great . Continuous , efficient , swift R D ability is critical for software enterprises ' survival .

  20. 在人力资本成为战略资源的今天,转换人力资本的经营和管理就成为企业生存和发展的关键。

    Today human resources are of strategy and its operation and management has become the key to the existence and development of the enterprises .

  21. 在增量方面,主要从引进新的人力资本和提高自身已有人力资本两个方面论述了具体的增量人力资本经营的内容和策略。

    For flow , the thesis narrates the practical contents and tactics of the operation of human capital of personnel in an enterprise from enlisting new human capital and improving the existing state of human capital in the same enterprise respectively .