
  1. 所以在实际群体中应采取必要措施尽量避免选择的发生,从而消除选择对QTL连锁分析的负面效应。

    Therefore , steps should be taken to avoid as much as possible the presence of selection in real populations , so as to further eliminate the negative effects of selection on QTL linkage analysis .

  2. 因此,在立足我国各地实际情况探索国内群体性纠纷的解决对策时,我们有必要深入了解国外同行在处理类似问题上的经验和教训。

    Accordingly , it is necessary for us to learn more from our counterparts abroad when we are exploring for group disputes solutions based on our practical situations .

  3. 社会救助的潜在对象是全体社会成员,实际对象是弱势群体,社会救助的权利义务关系不是特殊主义的而是普遍主义的。

    The potential objects of social assistance are all members of society and the practical objects are the disadvantaged groups . The relation of rights and obligations of social assistance is not particular but universalism .

  4. 作为当时意大利一个实际存在的社会群体,他们不会也没有被排除于意大利文艺复兴之外,而是对意大利文艺复兴的整个过程产生了积极的影响。

    As being a social group at that time , Italian Jewish scholars would not and never be excluded from the Italian Renaissance , but made a positive impact on the whole process of the Renaissance .

  5. 本文针对我国良种黄牛品种资源抢救事业的实际需要,根据群体繁殖结构的特点,以统计遗传学方法,推导、论证了扩展的Rife-Buranamanas母子组合频率公式;

    In view of actual needs of the salvation undertaking of Chinese cattle breed resources , in the light of specific conditions of population reproductive structure , the formulas on expanded Rife-Burana-mana combination frequences of mother and offspring were derived and proved by means of statistical genetics in this paper .