
shí tǐ lùn
  • ontology
  1. 总之,P4电极点处是实体论者和渐变论者在自发特质推理期间特质信息探测和加工上出现个体差异的重要部位。

    P4 scalp site is very important for individual differences , where entity theorists and incremental theorists mainly differ in processing speed and timing in trait information detection and stimulus classification during STIs .

  2. 为了更准确地沟通,用恰当的语义和实体论来培训团队。

    Training the team in appropriate semantics and ontologies for precise communication .

  3. 马克思关于人的本质的思想摆脱了传统的实体论思维方式的束缚,是从可能性与现实性的双重维度来理解人的本质的。

    This thinking is free from the traditional way of physical thinking , based on dual dimension of the possibility and reality .

  4. 网络哲学主要包括三个部分的内容:概念论与实体论、存在论与本质论、文化论与价值论。

    Net-philosophy mainly consists of three parts : conception and substance theory , being and essence theory , cultural and value theory .

  5. 对内隐人格理论的实体论-渐变论维度的研究是近年来社会认知研究的一个新趋势。

    The Research in the dimension of entity theory versus incremental theory of implicit personality theories is a new trend in social cognition .

  6. 澄清现代研究对华严哲学的一些常见和根本性的误解,特别是对它的实体论误读。

    Secondly , this paper will clarify some of common and fundamental misunderstanding in modern Study about Hua-yen philosophy , especially for its entitative misreading .

  7. 在存在哲学的基本阶段,海德格尔把实体论和本体论区别开来,并从实体论研究转移到本体论研究。

    At basic stage of being philosophy , Heidegger distinguishes entity 's theory from ontology , and transfers from study of entity 's theory to ontology .

  8. 张载以“气化实体论”哲学反对佛教与道教的虚无论,用实学的精神重新解释了儒家传统宗教观中神灵、魂魄、怪异观念及终极关怀问题。

    He defies nihilism of Buddhism and Taoism with the philosophy of " substantialism as qi " . He explains anew the ideas of divinities , souls and mysteries and problems of ultimate care embodied in Confucian traditional views on religion with the spirit of practicality .

  9. 古代西方哲学关注实体本体论,具有客体性特征,古代西方美学因而表现为客体性;

    Ancient western philosophy that concerns ontology is objective and ancient aesthetics is characterized by objectivity .

  10. 其悲剧理论的两个重要观点,伦理实体冲突论可以从他的实体即主体的哲学思想得到解释;

    First one ," collision of ethics forces theory " can be interpreted from the philosophy of his " Substance is Subjcet ";

  11. 伊恩·哈金作为新实验主义的代表人物,区分了理论实在论与实体实在论,并主张实验实在论。

    Ian Hacking as a representative of the new experimentalism , he distinguished theory realism and entity realism , and put forward experimental realism .

  12. 现代西方哲学要拒斥、消解这种实体本体论,重建新的本体论,但由于缺少辩证思维方式基础,因而具有某种局限性。

    Contemporary Western philosophy intends to reject and dispel the " substantial ontology ", and has reconstructed ontology with limitation , since it lacks of dialectical thinking .

  13. 近代及其以前的本体论是一种显性的实体本体论,具有实体本原观的思维方式和体系哲学的方法两个基本特征。

    Ontology of modern times and before is dominant substantial ontology , which possesses with characteristics of thinking mode of substantial principle and method of system philosophy .

  14. 当代哲学正在发生一场存在论转变,这就是从传统哲学的超验的、抽象的实体存在论到感性的、实践的生存论存在论的转变。

    Contemporary philosophy has been witnessing the transformation of ontology , which is from transcendental and abstract substantial ontology of traditional philosophy to sensible and practical existential ontology .

  15. 以实体人性论为哲学基础的西方传统管理思想是一种模式管理,以马克思主义实践人性论为哲学基础的管理思想是一种实践管理。

    Traditional Western management thoughts based on entitative philosophical humanity is of model management , while those based on practical philosophical humanity of Marxism is of practical one .

  16. 实践是马克思主义哲学来源上的出发点,而不是理论推理的逻辑起点,故实践本体论仍是一种实体本体论的理解方式。

    Practice is the springboard of Marxism philosophy origin but not the logic jumping-off point of theory discursion , so practicality ontology is still a mode of substantial ontology .

  17. 而当动词意为“体物(液)外排”或“外物内纳”时,作为运动实体的论元因为不言自明也常被隐去,留下一个语义角色空位。

    When the verb means bodily emission or congestion , its highly inferable argument as the entity in motion is often made implicit too , leaving an empty space for the θ - role .

  18. 现代西方哲学试图超越实体本体论,却只是隐去了实体本原观,其哲学方法与传统本体论是一脉相承的,可称之为隐性的实体本体论。

    Present western philosophy tries to exceed substantial ontology , but only conceals substantial principle , its philosophy method comes down in one continuous line with traditional ontology and can be called recessive substantial ontology .

  19. 政治形而上学的视域从传统到当代经历了几次转换:古代客体或实体本体论、神学本体论、现代人本本体论、实践生存论、后现代政治观,而最后合乎逻辑地指向交往实践观。

    From traditional to modern , political metaphysics has been through times of renovation : ancient entity ontology or objective ontology , theological ontology , humanistic ontology , theory of practical existence , post-modernist political theory , and eventually logically oriented to the theory of communicative practices .

  20. 高校教材供应实体化初探论教学材料的真实性问题

    Discussing the Materialization of Teaching Materials ' Supply in College

  21. 实体与虚无&论西方宇宙观的嬗变

    Substance and Nothingness : On the Change of Western World View

  22. 在近代,实体问题成为经验论与唯理论关注的焦点之一。

    In modern history , substance question is one of focal points concerned by modern empiricism and rationalism .

  23. 客观实在实体唯物论唯能论与唯物论的非实体化&论列宁的客观实在物质观的科学价值

    Objective Reality "," Substantiality Materialism "," Energy Doctrine " and Non-hypostatization of Materialism & On Lenin ′ s Science Value of Material Concept of " Objective Reality