
  • 网络Ownership Theory;Proprietorship theory;proprietary theory
  1. 从唯物史观的角度剖析诺思的所有权理论

    Analysis on North 's Ownership Theory from the Angle of Historical Materialism

  2. 罗马法所有权理论的当代发展

    Modern Development of Ownership Theory of Roman Law

  3. 在我国,建筑物区分所有权理论研究起步较晚。

    In China , Building Ownership theoretical research started relatively late .

  4. 业主自治的权利基础为建筑物区分所有权理论。

    The owner autonomies ' right basis is building discrimination property rights .

  5. 所有权理论则正确地解决了收入分配的最终归属问题;

    Proprietorship theory correctly solve the final ascription problem of income distribution .

  6. 马克思的土地理论包括土地所有权理论和地租理论。

    Marx 's land theory consists of landowning theory and land tax theory .

  7. 心理所有权理论为企业如何激励员工提供一个新的视角。

    Theory of psychological ownership provides a new perspective to motivate the employees .

  8. 我国应改变建筑物区分所有权理论研究和立法的滞后现状。

    The situation that the theoretical research and legislation are delayed should be changed .

  9. 国家所有权理论在法律实践上已被证明不符合民法法理,难以自圆其说。

    National ownership has already been proved difficult to justify itself in the legal practice .

  10. 合并理论主要有母公司理论、实体理论与所有权理论。

    The combined theory consists of parent company theory , entity theory and ownership theory .

  11. 会计中稳健主义的经济学解释会计准则的产生与制定权归属的经济学解释&来自企业所有权理论的观点

    An Economic Explanation for Conservatism in Accounting

  12. 本文作者首次在国内外提出了市场所有权理论。

    The author is first one who brings up the market ownership theory in our country .

  13. 特许经营的所有权理论

    The Ownership Rights Theory of Franchising

  14. 首先,对国外水资源所有权理论和立法进行了分析。

    First of all , it reviews foreign theories and legislations on ownership to water resources .

  15. 企业的契约性质、所有权理论及公司治理结构述评

    A Survey on the Contractual Nature of the Firm , the Theory of Ownership , and Corporate Governance

  16. 依存状态所有权理论和控制权理论都无法准确地解释企业领导人更替问题。

    The succession of corporate leaders can ′ t be explained by dependent ownership theory and control right theory .

  17. 在一个企业集团由多个实力相当的母公司组成的情况下,采用所有权理论是最好的选择。

    When the subsidiary company is controlled by several companies , the combined financial statement may use ownership theory .

  18. 合并财务报表涉及的合并理论有所有权理论、实体理论和母公司理论等。

    Consolidation theory involved in consolidated statement has following contents : proprietorship theory , entity theory and parent company theory .

  19. 国有资产流失的根本法律原因与我国的国家财产所有权理论存在误区有关。

    The essential legal cause of state property loss relate to the misunderstanding of the ownership of state property in china .

  20. 会计准则保护产权的马太效应研究&来自近代西方历史的回顾与企业所有权理论的分析

    " Matthew Effect " of Accounting Standards on Protection of Property Rights & A Historical Review of Western Countries Based on the Property Theories

  21. 当今会计理论界关于合并会计理论主要有三种,即实体理论、所有权理论和母公司理论。

    Nowadays , there are three main methods to prepare consolidated financial statements , which are called proprietary theory , parent company theory and entity theory .

  22. 并且运用产权理论、现代企业所有权理论、委托代理理论进行了分析和研究。

    And this test study the front problems by producing the property rights theory , the modern firm ownership theory and the entrust the agency theory .

  23. 此外,西方心理所有权理论的产生与发展是以完善的现代企业制度,正式所有权制度的广泛和充分发展为基础的。

    In addition , the theory of psychological ownership in Western is developed in the context that modern enterprise system is perfect and the legal ownership is full-developed .

  24. 二是利益相关者价值取向模式,其理论基础是共同所有权理论、托管责任理论和公司社会责任理论。

    And the value orientation of people with related interest , which is based on shared ownership theory , intrust responsibility theory and the theory of corporate responsibility for the society .

  25. 建筑物区分所有权理论是其法理基础,基本内容包括设立制度、会议制度、职权职责制度。

    The theory of condominium ownership of buildings is the legal basis . The content includes the establishment of the basic system , the meeting system , the terms and responsibility system .

  26. 换言之,受托人是普通法上的所有者,受益人是衡平法上的所有者。这就是构筑英美信托制度的双重所有权理论。

    In Common Law , the trustee is the nominal owner of the trust property , and the beneficiary is the real owner who is entitled to the benefit from the trust property .

  27. 本文试图就所有权理论、产权理论、地租理论分析先行农地制度改革的方向。

    This thesis tries to analyze the reformation orientation of present land system in countryside on the basis of the theory of ownership and theory of property right and theory of land rent .

  28. 在可持续发展与环境保护理念的号召下,传统所有权理论在配置森林资源权属方面的缺陷受到学界的诸多关注,林权的设置成为研究的焦点。

    The concept of sustainable development and environmental protection is important , the gaps of the traditional ownership theory of forest resources cause a lot of attention by the academia , forest rights become focus of research .

  29. 依据建筑物区分所有权理论,对楼顶空间权属进行界定,确定解决争议的规则,对理论、司法实践和完善立法都是非常重要的。

    Based on the theory of building differentiation ownership , one can define the roof space ownership and determine the dispute solution rules , which is very important to the theory , judicature practice and consummating the legislation .

  30. 从森林资源的可持续利用出发,采用综合分析法、比较分析法、系统分析法和交叉研究法等诸多研究方法,借助环境保护和可持续发展来研究所有权理论与林权制度的相关问题。

    From the sustainable use of forest resources , adopting comprehensive analysis , comparative analysis , system analysis and cross-study method , and many other research methods , research on many questions of ownership theory and forest right .