
suǒ dé shuì
  • income tax
所得税 [suǒ de shuì]
  • [income tax] 国家向企业或个人征收的以各种收入的总和为基数的一种税

所得税[suǒ dé shuì]
  1. 削减所得税的主要受益者将是谁?

    Who will be the main beneficiary of the cuts in income tax ?

  2. 增加所得税的建议令选民十分不满。

    The proposed increase in income tax proved deeply unpopular with the electorate .

  3. 所得税的标准税率削减到了每英镑23便士。

    The standard rate of income tax was cut to 23p in the pound .

  4. 他呼吁所得税提高1便士。

    He called for an increase of 1p on income tax .

  5. 新任财政部长似乎不愿削减所得税。

    The new finance minister seems loth to cut income tax .

  6. 我不会支持削减所得税。

    I wouldn 't be in favour of income tax cuts

  7. 他们降低了所得税。

    They have brought down income taxes .

  8. 估计现在有800万人有资格申请所得税退税。

    There are an estimated eight million people currently thought to be eligible to reclaim income tax .

  9. 如果他们的工资或所得税返还不能兑现,这对他们来说将是晴天霹雳。

    It will come as a rude shock when their salary or income-tax refund cannot be cashed .

  10. 另外,国债利息不需缴纳政府和地方所得税。

    In addition , interest on Treasury issues isn 't subject to state and local income taxes .

  11. 波恩政府对公司所得税的征收税率之高在欧洲处于前列。

    The Bonn government taxes profits of corporations at a rate that is among the highest in Europe .

  12. 如果你签订契约定期捐赠,那么我们可以要求返还你这笔钱上交的所得税。

    If you make regular gifts through a covenant we can reclaim the income tax which you have already paid on this money .

  13. 所得税提高3%,就会有钱了。

    The money could be found by raising income tax by three per cent .

  14. 新任市长被指控在所得税上作弊。

    The newly-appointed mayor was accused of cheating on his income tax .

  15. 现在一般在发工资之前先扣除所得税。

    Nowadays income tax is normally deducted from a person 's wages before he receives them .

  16. 减少所得税将受到热烈欢迎。

    Reduction in income tax will be welcomed with open arms .

  17. 中国最高立法机构周五通过了个人所得税修正案,将个人所得税最低起征标准从3500元每月提高到5000元每月或60000元每年。

    China 's top legislature passed the amendment to the personal income tax law on Friday , raising minimum threshold for individual income tax from 3500 to 5000 yuan per month , or 60000 yuan per year .

  18. 2.Incometax所得税A:公司预扣所得税吗?

    A : Does the company withhold income tax ?

  19. 所得税优惠政策与WTO补贴条款

    The Beneficial Income Tax Policies and the WTO Subsidizing Terms

  20. B:是的,工资条上面会列出你的工资总额,预扣的所得税,社会保险,其他扣款以及净收入额。

    B : Yes . It will state your gross salary , tax withhold , social security , other deducation , and net income .

  21. 随着我国经济飞速发展,尤其在我国加入WTO后,现行的个人所得税制度已经不能适应经济发展形势,需要个人所得税制改革来加以解决。

    Along with the rapid economical development , particularly after our country 's entry to the WTO , the present individual income tax system could not meet the demands of the economic development , and need be reformed .

  22. 在他们削减个人所得税和公共开支的同时,撒切尔的第一届政府拉高了销售税,即VAT税&一种单一税制,无情地倒退到比人头税更恶劣的程度。

    At the same time as they cut income tax and public spending , the first Thatcher administration hiked the sales tax , VAT – a flat-rate tax far more remorselessly regressive than the poll tax .

  23. 在LES系统中,征收所得税会使家庭或个人依据是否能满足其商品需求性支出为标准,而在工作与闲暇之间做出重新配置;

    In the LES system , levying income tax can force families and privates to make a standard based on the expenditure of the commercial needs , and redesign during work or in leisure time .

  24. 本文通过对变量的单整和协整检验,采用EG两步法建立协整模型和ECM模型,实证分析了税制改革,主要讨论增值税和企业所得税改革,对我国财政收入的影响。

    This paper mainly analyses the influences that tax-system reforms ( including reforms of value-added tax and enterprise income tax ) will exert on the government revenue by building Error Correction Model with E-G two step method through unit root test and co-integration test .

  25. 第三章分析、评价了最优所得税。

    Chapter Three , introduces and evaluation the Optimal Commodity Taxation .

  26. 个人所得税:政策目标与完善

    Personal Income Tax : The Objective of Policy and its Perfection

  27. 企业所得税税收优惠战略研究

    The Research on Strategy of Preferential Policies for Enterprise Income Tax

  28. 三是所得税跨期摊配的程度与方法。其中矛盾的焦点又集中在递延法和债务法的选择上。

    The focal point is the choice Deferred and Liability Method .

  29. 服务业;所得税;营业税;税收政策;

    Service Industry ; Income Tax ; Sales Tax ; Taxation Policy ;

  30. 企业家与共享税&企业所得税的博弈

    Enterpriser and Share Tax-game Theory of the Corporation Income Tax