- 名Solomon;Solomon Islands;Salomon;SOLOMON GRUNDY

In this job you need to exhibit the wisdom of Solomon .
Solomon excelled in wisdom .
Amram : The king of my own country , the wise King Solomon , likes this bright purple better than any other color .
Queen : I have also heard that he is very wise . Is it true , Amram , that King Solomon understands what animals say ?
Amram ( Proud ): Yes , your Majesty . The mighty King Solomon stopped to hear what the little ants in the sand were saying . He turned off the road to save them from being hurt .
Amram : King Solomon told us he had seen some ants hurrying along in the sand of the road . He said he had heard them say they were afraid that the horses would walk on them .
Everyone was amazed19 at how king Solomon solved20 this problem21 .
One day , two women came1 to king2 Solomon with a baby boy .
King Solomon ordered6 a soldier7 to cut the boy in half , and divide8 the boy between the two women .
King Solomon stopped the soldier . " Give the boy to the second woman , " he said . " I 'm certain15 that she 's his real16 mother . "
Last month , Robert Ballard announced that his team had found the remains of John f.kennedy 's World War two boat in the Solomon islands .
One of the most instructive moments in the documentary describes Mr Buffett 's investment in Salomon Brothers .
The first structured investment product is SPIN which was issued by Salomon Brothers in 1986.Now these structured investment products play a very important role in modern financial market .
State Department projects in the Pacific region have been conducted in Palau , Papua New Guinea , and Solomon Islands .
And , as my partner Glenn Solomon recently pointed out , the near-term price of an IPO has little to no correlation with where the stock trades in the future .
Song of Solomon ( 1977 ) is one of the most prominent novels of famous Afro-American woman writer Toni Morrison in twentieth century .
Around the world are flowing Goldman , Zurich credit , Solomon and other investment Banks has reach the EVA benefits and is fully aware of benefits for a wide range of applications of EVA .
Fans are clearly getting a kick out of the cute photos as Solomon has nearly 100000 followers on his Instagram where he features the photos .
Concatenated code is applied to ATM cell header as an error control solution . This paper analyzed the concatenated code combined BCH code with convolution code and concatenated code combined BCH code with Reed-Solomon ( RS ) code .
When I had just graduated , my then boyfriend - who had been hired by investment bank Salomon Brothers - was instructed by the chief executive , John Gutfruend , to arrive every day " ready to bite the ass off of a bear . "
While the country is on track to achieve gender parity in primary education by2015 , greater economic growth is crucial to achieving other goals , says Bowles .
Realization of C Model of RSPC Decoder with Erasure Information Iterative Decoding Algorithm of Product Code
After the ascension to the throne of his son Rehoboam , the northern tribes seceded and formed their own kingdom of Israel , bringing an end to Solomon 's empire .
Among them were Mr. Solomon , the author of books like " Far From the Tree " and " The Noonday Demon , " and Samantha Boardman , a psychiatrist and the wife of the real-estate tycoon Aby J. Rosen .
Socrates , Maimonides , King Solomon , Einstein , Goethe , Gandhi , Ani DiFranco , and even Yoda have held justified , false beliefs about what they did and did not know .
Then Don Feuerstein , head of Salomon 's legal department , and Lipton went off and began to set in motion the wheels of filing for bankruptcy .
Now I had something to write about : Salomon Brothers .
Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things ?
The kingdom was now firmly established in Solomon 's hands .
Also , Jeroboam son of Nebat rebelled against the king .