
suǒ yǒu zhì ɡǎi ɡé
  • the reform of ownership
  1. 本文还分析了收入分配、投资和企业所有制改革,以及加入世界贸易组织和经济全球化给我国建筑业发展带来的影响。

    And the author analyzes the changes in currency system , income distribution , capital investment , the reform of ownership ;

  2. 回顾了我国高校校办产业的发展历史,阐述了高校校办产业目前存在的问题和面临的困难,提出了加快校办产业所有制改革、规范校办产业管理和创办科技开发公司等建议。

    This paper reviews the history of industries attached to universities , discusses some present problems , and puts forward some suggestions how to quicken the reform of ownership , regulate management and build scientific and technological development company .

  3. 乌克兰农业所有制改革及其特点

    The Reform of Ukrainian Agricultural Ownership System and Its Special Features

  4. 国企所有制改革与地勘单位改制

    Reforming the ownership of state-owned enterprises and reforming geological prospecting units

  5. 试论农地产权制度的双层所有制改革

    A Study of the Reform in the Agrarian Land Property-Right System

  6. 论述了医院所有制改革的必然性和紧迫性。

    The paper discusses the necessity and urgency of hospital ownership reform .

  7. 从经济学角度谈医院所有制改革的难点

    Difficult points in hospital ownership reform from an economic perspective

  8. 试论生产社会化与社会主义所有制改革

    On the socialization of production and socialist ownership reform

  9. 中央政府就将混合所有制改革纳入到国有企业当中进行了长期的讨论。

    The central government has long discussed introducing mixed-ownership reforms to state-owned enterprises .

  10. 乌克兰农业所有制改革理论与实践值得思考与研究。

    The theory and practice of Ukrainian agricultural ownership reform deserves consideration and researches .

  11. 1978以来中国区域间所有制改革绩效比较研究

    The Comparative Research of Regional Performances of the Innovation Ownership Since 1978 in China

  12. 所有制改革必须坚持社会主义方向;

    The reform in the system of ownership must be oriented along the socialist road ;

  13. 社会主义所有制改革的方向不是私有化。

    The object of the reform of socialistic ownership is not to develop private ownership .

  14. 中国所有制改革的进展和矛盾中俄所有制改革比较分析

    Progress and Contradiction Comparative analysis between China and Russian in terms of reform on ownership

  15. 摘要竞争与所有制改革是目前自然垄断行业规制改革的主要趋势。

    Competition and ownership reform are main trends in the regulatory reform of natural monopoly industries .

  16. 在经济转轨过程中,乌克兰的农业进行了所有制改革。

    In the process of economic transition , agriculture in Ukraine experienced an ownership system reform .

  17. 中国的所有制改革:朝什么方向?能走多远?

    The ownership reform in china : what direction and how far Journal of contemporary china ?

  18. 以下两个重要因素可能有助于提高中国的银行效率:所有制改革和硬预算约束。

    Two important factors may be responsible for raising efficiency : ownership reform and hard budget constraints .

  19. 中国设立了一个国家基金,以促进国有企业的混合所有制改革。

    China has set up a national fund to facilitate the mixed-ownership reform of its state-owned enterprises .

  20. 转轨过程中节约成本和扩大收益的原因很大程度上是源于不同的所有制改革方式。

    Cost-saving and benefit-increasing in the process of transition are largely due to different reforms of ownership .

  21. 所有制改革是当今社会主义国家经济体制改革进程中的一项基本内容,也是一个热点和难点问题。

    The system of ownership reform is a basic content in economic restructuring advancement of present age socialistic countries ;

  22. 文章列举了国有企业所有制改革的多种形式,对其中主要形式进行了论证。

    Abstract The paper lists many forms of reforming the ownership of stated-owned enterprises and proves main forms in which .

  23. 我国农村土地所有制改革的方向应该是坚持并完善农村土地集体所有制。

    The direction of the ownership reform of rural land is to insist and improve the collective ownership of rural land .

  24. 因此,本文关注转轨国家自然垄断产业引入竞争可能性以及所有制改革模式的选择。研究发现:考虑管理成本,转轨国家自然垄断产业引入竞争是可能的;

    Thus this article focuses on the possibility to introduce competition in natural monopoly industries and ownership reform options for transitional economies .

  25. 完善土地承包经营权是探索集体土地所有制改革的前提。

    Perfecting the right of contracting of land is the premise to probe the reform of the collective ownership of land in rural areas .

  26. 市场经济的高效率已被各国所认同,因而各国所有制改革和产权改革在所难免。

    The various countries have approved the high efficiency of market economy , thus the system of ownership reform and property right reform is unavoidable .

  27. 不同所有制改革方式下的转轨成本与收益&基于中国改革实践和交易成本范式的研究

    Transition Cost and Transition Benefit under the Reform of Different Ownership & A Study Based on the Reform in China and the Paradigm of Transaction Cost

  28. 所有制改革是最根本、最核心的制度变迁,是转型时期中国制度变迁的突破口和主旋律。

    Ownership reform is not only the essential and core part in it , but also the breakthrough point and the main cantus in the institutional transition .

  29. 基于此,本文给出了经济变迁中的中国在经济所有制改革方面如企业、市场与产业所有制调整的新的方法、观点和建议。

    On basis of these , this paper gives some suggest and new methods , prospect about the ownership structure reform in the economic change in China .

  30. 分析农地制度创新的必要性,探讨农村土地所有制改革的理论观点,提出增加承包权的长度和强度。

    This article analyses the necessary of system innovation of agriculture land , explores the theoretic issues of ownership system reformation in countryside , and suggests to increase the length and strength of contract right .