
  • 网络the enterprise theory
  1. 以市场失灵论特殊企业论主辅关系论政治利益论四大假说阐明了政府投资动因。

    The reason of government investment is expounded by means of four major hypotheses : " market failure theory " " special enterprise theory "" principal-subordinate theory " " political interests theory " .

  2. 会计委派论与回归企业论

    Accounting System of Appointment and Return Enterprise System Accounting Based on Theory of Constraints

  3. 此外,国家监管机构缺乏对抗国家冠军企业论的力量。那种论点经常被用来证明,照顾金融业是正当的。

    Also , national regulators lack the power to resist the national champions arguments that are so often used to justify favouritism to the financial sector .

  4. 增加农民收入的规模经济论与乡镇企业论的确有成功的典范,但是,对我国更多的农村地区来讲,不具有普遍意义。

    The ways to increase peasants'income , scale economy and town enterprise development are surely ways of successing in practice , but are of no common significance for the rural areas in China .

  5. 在此基础上,研究了企业本体论和其中的产品本体论,给出了在STEP基础上建立产品本体论的方法。

    Then enterprise ontology and product ontology in it are researched ; and the method of building product ontology on the basis of STEP is provided .

  6. 制订了一个基于OIL的企业本体论,用来支持企业建模和Agents间通信术语的定义。

    We use the following methods to realize our object : 1 . An OIL-based ontology is build to support enterprise modeling and Agent communication terms definition .

  7. DanMcCreary也讨论了开发和维护企业本体论架构过程中容易遇到的一些主要陷阱。

    Dan McCreary talked about some of the main pitfalls in developing and maintaining enterprise ontologies .

  8. 最后DanMcCreary讨论了定义企业本体论的时候需要注意的一些事项。

    Lastly , Dan McCreary discussed some of the things to watch out for in defining enterprise ontologies .

  9. 还有其它的商业论点支持企业责任论。

    There were other business arguments in favour of corporate responsibility .

  10. 论国有大企业集团的市场化&学习蒋一苇的企业本位论

    On Marketization of the Large State - owned Enterprise Conglomerate

  11. 企业本体论是实现企业知识共享的基础。

    Enterprise ontology is the basis of enterprise knowledge sharing .

  12. 企业进化论&企业层面的循环经济研究

    Theory of Enterprises ' Evolution : Research on Circular Economy in Enterprises

  13. 企业信息化论制造业企业的信息化投资

    On the Investment for Enterprises Informationization in Manufacturing Industry

  14. 资源委员会接管台湾工矿企业略论

    A Study on the National Resources Commission Taking Over the Industrial Enterprises in Taiwan

  15. 企业再造论与西部地区工业发展

    Business Transformation and Industry Development in West China

  16. 技术进步企业主体论

    Enterprises Play the Main Part in Technical Progress

  17. 色以达意&企业色彩论

    Color Conveys Ideas : On Enterprise Colors

  18. 基于能力理论的企业本质论

    Enterprise Essence Theory Based on Ability Theory

  19. 企业本位论对我国体制改革做出了巨大贡献。

    The theory of enterprise ontology had made a great contribution to China 's economic reform .

  20. 邮政企业系统论析

    Expound and analysis of post-service-enterprise system

  21. 企业责任论的拥护者从未否认过利润或股东回报的重要性。

    The champions of corporate responsibility never denied the importance of either profit or shareholder return .

  22. 企业进化论是现代企业理论和战略管理理论的一个重要学派。

    Enterprises evolutionism is a main school of the theory of modern enterprise and strategy management .

  23. 企业发展论研究

    Study on the Development of Enterprises

  24. 国际竞争与企业本位论

    International competition and enterprise itself

  25. 民办企业初探论民办义务教育

    A Primary Discussion on Enterprises run by Local People Thinking about Managed by the People Compulsory Education

  26. 企业本位论反思

    Rethinking on Enterprise Ontology

  27. 企业价值论是对企业经营管理活动的价值思考。

    The Theory of Enterprise Value is the thought on the value of operation and management in an enterprise .

  28. 将企业资源论运用在制造领域之中,认为在制造领域企业的竞争优势来源于企业构建的制造能力。

    The resource-based theory of the firm indicates the competitive advantage comes from the manufacturing capability of an enterprise .

  29. 这样,我们就可以在虚拟企业本体论基础上,以逻辑情景演算来描述虚拟企业过程模型。

    So we can describe the process model in the logic situation calculus based on the virtual enterprise ontology .

  30. 体制机制创新与改革成本支付&东北地区等老工业基地国有企业改制论

    Innovation of Mechanism and Payment of Reform Cost & Theory on reforming system of state-owned enterprises in northeastern areas