
  1. 印度IT行业协会上周四表示,随着塔塔咨询服务公司(TataConsultancyServices)等企业开始从全球需求回升中受益,印度IT和软件服务出口的收入在下一财政年度可能将至少增长13%。

    Revenues from India 's IT and software services exports could grow at least 13 per cent in the next fiscal year as companies such as Tata Consultancy Services start to benefit from a pick-up in global demand , the country 's IT industry body said yesterday .

  2. 第五章,对发包企业的地理分布和行业分布进行统计,以求进一步明确我国软件服务外包行业收入的来源,并对分布现象进行解释。

    In the fifth chapter , though statistics of geographical distribution and industry distribution about contract awarding corporations , I gave a further clarify about the main source of income and explained the phenomenon .