
  1. 微软赚钱的方式是向你出售软件使用许可证。

    Let 's face the way Microsoft makes its money is by selling you licenses to use their software .

  2. 设备制造商想要在设备中使用这些组件必须从谷歌那里拿到软件商业使用许可。

    Device makers that want to use include those components on their products have to commercially license the software from Google .

  3. 看到这些,你就知道了为什么人们对于Google和Facebook这样的网站使用面部识别软件那么关心,这些网站一直在收购专门研制这种技术的公司,或者从他们那里获得软件的使用许可。

    All this helps to explain concerns over the use of face-recognition software by the likes of Google and Facebook , which have been acquiring firms that specialise in that technology , or licensing software from them .