
  • 网络Soft Commodities
  1. 洲际交易所计划斥资10亿美元,收购软性大宗商品交易所&纽约期货交易所(NewYorkBoardofTrade),但目前仍在等待批准。预计该交易将于明年年初完成。

    However , ICE will have to wait on the approval for its planned $ 1bn takeover of the soft commodities exchange New York Board of Trade , which is expected to be completed early next year .

  2. 马来西亚经济同样面临软性大宗商品价格下降的影响。

    Its economy is also facing a fall in soft commodity prices .

  3. 这个城市国家着重于石油、煤炭、铁矿石以及农产品和软性大宗商品,而非金属。

    The city-state is focused on oil , coal , iron ore and agricultural and soft commodities , not metals .

  4. 随着硬性大宗商品超级周期的结束,软性大宗商品(牛奶、肉类、鱼和谷物)的溢价上升。

    With the supercycle in hard commodities over , the premium on softer ones – dairy , meat , fish and grains – has risen .

  5. 因此,除了黄金之外,他还建议投资者关注利基观念,如天然气和一些软性大宗商品假如滞胀真的站稳脚跟的话,还有铜。

    So , apart from gold , he also recommends that investors focus on niche ideas such as natural gas and some soft commodities plus copper if stagflation really does take a grip .

  6. 曾经满足于持有国内股票和债券组合的客户,如今纷纷寻求有关亚洲房产基金和软性大宗商品的投资建议,迫使私人银行家要让自己快速熟悉这些新产品。

    Clients who were previously happy with a domestic portfolio of stocks and bonds are now seeking advice on Asian real estate funds and soft commodities , forcing private bankers to rapidly familiarise themselves with new products .