
ruǎn shí lì
  • soft power
  1. NBA软实力建设经验及对CBA的启示

    The Construction Experience of NBA Soft Power and Enlightenments to CBA

  2. 针对航运软实力评价指标难以量化的特点,本文建立了层次分析法和模糊综合评价法相结合的AHP模糊综合评价模型,为航运软实力的评价提供了依据。

    According to the characteristics that evaluation indexes of shipping soft power are difficult to quantify , this article establishes AHP fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model , providing the basis for the evaluation of shipping soft power .

  3. d.大学科技园软实力的诸要素应协调一致。

    D. To coordinate University Science Park soft power factors .

  4. 日本以“酷日本”(CoolJapan)为驱动力,支持其文化软实力在国际社会发展。

    All part of Japan 's drive to bolster its soft power globally through a state-backed campaign dubbed Cool Japan .

  5. 正是他发明了被很多人使用的软实力(softpower)一词,来描述国家如何可通过说服和吸引力达成其目标。

    It was he who coined the much-used term soft power to describe the way in which nations can achieve their aims through persuasion and the ability to attract .

  6. 基于员工满意度的饭店软实力比较研究&以宁波本土饭店K和外资饭店H为例

    A Comparison of Hotel Soft Power Based on Employee Satisfaction : A Case Study of Local Hotel K and Foreign Capital Hotel H of Ningbo City

  7. 自从美国人约瑟夫·奈教授提出软实力(softpower)这个概念以来,国内外的许多学者、专家、政要便将目光纷纷投入了这一领域。

    Since American professor Joseph S. Nye proposes the concept " Soft Power ", a lot of domestic and foreign scholars , experts , professors , politicians pay close attention to this field .

  8. 通过5S的评价,实现从硬指标的计量向软实力的考察过度,从而做到对小企业从点到面、从孤立到全面、从静态到动态考察的转变。

    Through the " 5S " evaluation from the measurement of the fixed target of the investigation of soft power is excessive , to do so for small businesses transition from static to dynamic inspection from the " point " to the " face ", from isolation to full .

  9. 第五,中国软实力的重要性被高估。

    Fifth , the importance of Chinese soft power is overrated .

  10. 很多国家甚至把提升软实力上升到了战略层次。

    Many countries promote the Soft power to a strategic level .

  11. 全球化背景下城市再发展的文化软实力运用

    The Application to Cultural Soft Power of Urban Redevelopment in Globalization

  12. 论国际政治中的中国软实力三要素

    China 's Soft Strength 's Three Factors in the International Politics

  13. 推进软实力建设,加强人文外交

    Promoting the Development of Soft Power and Strengthening the Cultural Diplomacy

  14. 中国和平发展战略与软实力建构研究

    Chinese Peaceful Development and the Study of Soft Power 's Construction

  15. 这两个室友之间的软实力交换情况怎样呢?

    How is the soft power exchange between these two roommates ?

  16. 警察文化软实力建设探析&兼论任长霞文化符号

    A Probe on the Construction of Soft Strength in Police Culture

  17. 软实力与中国文化战略的发展走向

    Soft Strength and the Development Trend of China 's Cultural Strategy

  18. 以武力取代影响力:美国软实力的削弱

    Force Replace Influence : the Decline of American Soft Power

  19. 文化力是一种不可忽视的软实力

    Culture Strength Is a Soft Strength Not to Be Ignored

  20. 用软实力驾驭硬实力&打造一流车间管理的实践该校有实力雄厚的一队。

    Practice on Top-ranking Workshop Management The school has a strong side .

  21. 国家的综合国力包括了硬实力和软实力。

    Comprehensive National Power includes Hard Power and Soft Power .

  22. 文科高职要加强学生软实力的培养

    The Soft Strength Cultivation in The Liberal Higher Vocational Eduction

  23. 优化遗址园林景观提升合肥城市软实力

    Optimize Garden Landscape of Relics Park and Increase Soft Power of Hefei

  24. 通过发展文化产业来提升国家软实力的几点思考

    Some Opinions on Upgrade National Soft Power by Develop the Cultural Industry

  25. 文化软实力的中国话语、中国境遇与中国道路

    The Chinese Discourse , Reality and Path of the Cultural Soft Power

  26. 国际单位:提升文化软实力的路径选择

    International Unit : An Alternative for Strengthening Cultural Soft Power

  27. 中国高校羽翼未丰,软实力还需加强。

    The soft ability of Chinese universities also needs to be honed .

  28. 文化软实力显著增强。

    - The country 's cultural soft power should be improved significantly .

  29. 软实力建设:高职新闻人才培养的创新之路

    Construction of Soft Power-the Innovative Road to Develop Journalism Talents

  30. 印度外交新态势:文化软实力的推进

    New Trends in India 's Diplomacy : To Promote Cultural Soft Power