
ruǎn shānɡ pǐn
  • soft commodity;products of service enterprises
  1. 中国的工业机器现在不仅在为硬商品定价,而且也为一软列软商品(softcommodity)和食品定价。

    The industrial machines are now not only setting prices for hard commodity but also for series of soft commodity and food .

  2. 与来宝的交易可能有助于中国确保获得廉价的农产品资源,并将令中粮(Cofco)与嘉吉(Cargill)和邦吉集团(Bunge)这些全球软商品供应商正面竞争。

    The deal with Noble could help the country secure cheaper access to agricultural resources , and places Cofco in direct competition with China 's global soft commodities suppliers , such as Cargill and Bunge .

  3. 可可是软商品当前产量问题的一个极端例子。

    Cocoa is an extreme example of the current output problems among soft commodities .

  4. 受供应紧缺和需求旺盛推动,茶叶、可可和糖等软商品价格涨至数十年高位。

    The prices of soft commodities including tea , cocoa and sugar have jumped to multi-decade highs , boosted by supply shortages and robust demand .

  5. 天气恶劣和投资长期不足引起的供应紧缺,已开始吸引金融投资者进入软商品市场,从而进一步推高了价格。

    The shortages due to bad weather and a persistent lack of investment have started to attract financial investors into soft commodities , further boosting prices .

  6. 随着越来越富裕的中国人消费更多的肉和糖,他们对大豆、玉米和糖等软商品的需求正不断上升。

    In soft commodities such as soya beans , maize and sugar , demand is heading up , as increasingly wealthy Chinese eat more meat and more sweets .

  7. 汇价对一篮子六种主要货币的汇率首次连升三盘,推动了除橙汁外的所有软商品购买力下降。

    The greenback climbed for the first time in three sessions against a basket of six major currencies , pushing down all the so-called soft commodities except orange juice .

  8. 作为此类资产的关键驱动力,大宗商品价格出现了参差不齐的信号,黄金、石油和软商品上涨,但贱金属低于一年前的水平。

    Commodity prices a key driver for the asset class are showing mixed signals , with gold , oil and softs up , but base metals lower than a year ago .

  9. 独特,调节先导救济行动与有能力处理好热水,蒸汽,热水的碳氢化合物蒸气或液体,使用惰性塑料软商品软座椅阀。

    Unique , modulating action pilot operated relief valve with soft seats having the ability to handle hot water , steam , hot hydrocarbon vapors or liquids , using inert plastic soft goods .

  10. 港交所可能推出的产品包括金属、农业大宗商品和“软”商品这个类别包括咖啡、可可和糖。

    Products could include metals , agricultural commodities and " soft " commodities a category that includes coffee , cocoa and sugar .

  11. 这一地区的暴力冲突和骚乱将抑制对软性商品的需求,因此玉米、小麦和大豆的价格上周均出现下跌。

    Violence and riots in the area will curb demand for soft commodities , which is why corn , wheat , and soy were down last week .

  12. 其他的例子,软性商品包括:可可粉,糖,大豆和小麦。硬性商品包括:铁器,银,金和油。

    Other examples of soft commodities include : cocoa , sugar , soy , and wheat , whereas hard commodities are : iron , silver , gold , and oil .

  13. Jimmyjane公司以振荡器而闻名,如今它也开始初次进军“软性商品”市场,推出新的一系列受电影启发的物品,包括眼罩和丝绸领带。

    And Jimmyjane , known for its vibrators , is taking its first foray into " soft goods " with a new set of fetish kits inspired by the film that include items like blindfolds and silk ties .

  14. 消费者在购买商品时更看重隐藏在商品背后的软性商品价值,而这种软性商品价值更多是由文化来承担,此时的商品便成了文化的符号。

    When consumers buy goods pay more attention to hidden behind the soft commodities in the commodity value , the soft value of the goods more often borne by the culture at this time of cultural goods has become the symbol .

  15. 洲际交易所计划斥资10亿美元,收购软性大宗商品交易所&纽约期货交易所(NewYorkBoardofTrade),但目前仍在等待批准。预计该交易将于明年年初完成。

    However , ICE will have to wait on the approval for its planned $ 1bn takeover of the soft commodities exchange New York Board of Trade , which is expected to be completed early next year .

  16. 马来西亚经济同样面临软性大宗商品价格下降的影响。

    Its economy is also facing a fall in soft commodity prices .

  17. 这个城市国家着重于石油、煤炭、铁矿石以及农产品和软性大宗商品,而非金属。

    The city-state is focused on oil , coal , iron ore and agricultural and soft commodities , not metals .

  18. 随着硬性大宗商品超级周期的结束,软性大宗商品(牛奶、肉类、鱼和谷物)的溢价上升。

    With the supercycle in hard commodities over , the premium on softer ones – dairy , meat , fish and grains – has risen .

  19. 因此,除了黄金之外,他还建议投资者关注利基观念,如天然气和一些软性大宗商品假如滞胀真的站稳脚跟的话,还有铜。

    So , apart from gold , he also recommends that investors focus on niche ideas such as natural gas and some soft commodities plus copper if stagflation really does take a grip .

  20. 曾经满足于持有国内股票和债券组合的客户,如今纷纷寻求有关亚洲房产基金和软性大宗商品的投资建议,迫使私人银行家要让自己快速熟悉这些新产品。

    Clients who were previously happy with a domestic portfolio of stocks and bonds are now seeking advice on Asian real estate funds and soft commodities , forcing private bankers to rapidly familiarise themselves with new products .