
  • 网络tourism commodity;tourist commodities;tourism goods
  1. 关于开发丽水地方旅游商品的思考

    The Thought of the Local Tourist Commodities ' Development in Lishui

  2. 区域旅游商品的营销策略

    Study on the marketing strategies of the regional tourist commodities

  3. 后4Ps理念在彝族服饰旅游商品中的应用研究,为民族旅游商品的营销服务提供了一种可借鉴的营销策略。

    The applied research of marketing of Yi Nationality costumes with the consideration of the latter 4Ps offers a reference marketing strategy for marketing service of ethnic tourism commodities .

  4. 重庆旅游商品市场现状及开发策略

    Current market situation and exploitation strategy for tourism goods of Chongqing

  5. 开发有地方特色、文化内涵丰富的旅游商品;

    Exploit tour goods with local color and rich culture content ;

  6. 新疆旅游商品市场的开发

    The Development of the Market for Tourist Commercial Goods in Xinjiang

  7. 提出了开发旅游商品及可持续发展的举措。

    Measures for developing tourist products and sustainable development are proposed .

  8. 旅游商品是旅游业收入的一项重要来源。

    The tourism commodity is an important source of tourism incomes .

  9. 生态旅游商品价值和价格的探讨

    A Discussion on the Value and the Price of Eco-tourism Commodity

  10. 旅游商品的市场开发应该以需求为导向。

    Dynamic analysis of tourism shopping development in Xi an City ;

  11. 南宁市旅游商品开发研究

    A study on the development of commodities for tourism in Nanning City

  12. 区域旅游商品及其开发研究&以绍兴市为例

    Tourist Commodities and Their Exploitation & A Case Study of Shaoxing City

  13. 峨眉山旅游商品市场开发的思考

    Thinking on the Development of the Tourist Merchandise Market of E-mei Mountain

  14. 海南旅游商品市场分析及其发展对策

    The tourist commodity market in Hainan : analysis & countermeasures for development

  15. 浅析内蒙古旅游商品符号价值的外观体现

    Discussing on the Appearence of Travel Commodity 's Sign Value

  16. 对桂林旅游商品市场开发的若干思考

    Thoughts on the Market Development of Tourist Commodities in Guilin

  17. 谈镇江旅游商品的开发营销

    On the Exploitation and Marketing of Tourist Souvenir in Zhenjiang

  18. 天水市旅游商品开发与营销策略研究

    A Study on the Exploitation of Tianshui 's Tourism Commodity

  19. 对旅游商品进行本体论研究。

    The paper aims for the research on ontology of tourist commodities .

  20. 青岛旅游商品开发的回顾与前瞻

    Review and Prospect on development of tourist goods in Qingdao

  21. 民族旅游商品是贵州的特色旅游商品。

    The national tour merchandise is feature of tour merchandise in Guizhou .

  22. 关于我国农村旅游商品开发的思考

    Thought on the Exploitation of Village Tour Commodities in China

  23. 云南旅游商品开发现状和开发思路刍议

    On the Current Situation of Tourist Commodity and Its Development

  24. 贵州有着开发民族旅游商品的资源优势。

    Guizhou has some advantage on developing national tour merchandise .

  25. 南漳县旅游商品供给与开发分析

    On Supply and Exploitation Analysis of Nanzhang Tourist Goods

  26. 三峡旅游商品的开发与构想

    The Development and Conception of the Three-Gorges Tourism Products

  27. 旅游商品发展对策思考

    Thoughts on Measures for Developing Commodities for Tourism Industry

  28. 关于发展玉溪市特色旅游商品的思考

    Some Thoughts on Unique Tourism Commodities Development of Yuxi

  29. 我国民俗旅游商品需求特征分析与创新开发路径

    Study on the Innovative Exploitation of Folk-Custom Tourist Products

  30. 平谷桃木工艺品,是深受国内外游客喜爱的乡村旅游商品。

    Pinggu 's peach wood artworks are favorite rural tourism souvenirs of visitors .